City Sewers

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Kilenum, Dec 6, 2010.

  1. Kilenum

    Kilenum Forerunner
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    Hey Forge Hub, It's been a while since my last post. I've been busy trying to step my forge game up. Here we have an infection map that despite all signs of normalcy is quit the opposite. Before you move on to the next map lets read further. The map is a small town just outside the boundaries of the Forge World. This town has a SEWER SYSTEM!!!! It's a bit foggy down there but I can assure you it makes for some interesting game play. There are 4 drop down's into the sewer system they are all yellow in color when you into the sewer. ( keep an eye on the sewer walls for reference and location.) There's in and out access on red and blue side, the tunnels are color coded red and blue. This map is a must play please check it out let me know what you think. It's also set up for safe havens give it try.
    #1 Kilenum, Dec 6, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2010
  2. Tadsh

    Tadsh Forerunner

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    This actually looks quite good from the pictures. I'm going to DL it now and tell you what it like when I get a few friends online. Will it be set up for more gametypes in the future ?
  3. Kilenum

    Kilenum Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    For sure man love this map there will be a v2 so i can get all the kinks out. Thank you
  4. Montressor

    Montressor Forerunner

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    looks cool I'll DL it when I get on later, of all the maps I've seen that tried the underwater environments yours seems the most functional, lower visibility but lit walls. message me if you need testers, GT is Montressor. Keep it up

    HMSGOVIER Forerunner

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    Played this yesterday on safe havens, very fun map and is alot of fun when your in a party of 6 or 7
  6. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    Believe it or not, I somehow played a game on this yesterday. Yeah, crazy.

    Anyways, this map is by far the best example of a camping-based map that actually works. Staying in one area for too long causes you to run out of ammo, and people are encouraged to hunt for better weapons as the round goes on. What's more is that unlike some camping-based maps that require the zombies to wait in a box for the Humans to get ready, this one has immediate action.

    Another feature I really appreciated was the rooftops. Now, most maps with rooftops have ungodly camping issues, but you've gotten it right in ways that only the zombie mod for CS: Source has. You've effectively made getting to the roofs a skill-based jump trial for the Humans (surprisingly hard to do with zombies coming out of nowhere), but an easy step up for the Zombies. Your backs become exposed in exchange for the slight height advantage.

    Now, that's not to say this map is perfect. There were several issues that I think need some improvement. The underwater area is incredibly fun to traverse. You made it easy to navigate and fight in, yet still retain a labyrinth-like feel to it (the secret weapon also helps with exploration). Here's the thing though: There's only two or so ways to get out of the sewers, and those are hard as hell to find. I'd recomend that you change some of the drop-down holes into lifts to the upper world, or just add more staircases. People would often complain that even if they wanted to, they couldn't get out of there.

    Another thing: Weapons that are Fixed or Phased will stay still in midair once their holder is killed, or when they switch to another weapon. At first I thought of how exploitable this would be, but nothing seemed to come of it. It actually added to the whole "skilled rooftop traversal" thing I was talking about earlier. Take that however you want, and decide if anything needs to be changed.

    Overall Score: 4.5 zombies out of 5.

    "A few small issues were only trifles on what was otherwise the greatest Infection map of the month. An excellent throwback to Halo 2/3 Infection."
    #6 Hogframe, Dec 6, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2010
  7. Kilenum

    Kilenum Forerunner
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    Haris Thanks a lot man I owe you. I agree with you on needing more sewer exit points it can get a bit confusing. Did the color coded walls not help in guidance. I believe this is a truly awesome map with only room to grow and improve I hope to release a V2 in the not so distant future. I would like it to include flag and bomb as well as an even number of access points to the sewer. I was also not aware that's why the weapons were floating. Learn something new everyday I dont know what possessed you to right such a long review but it's people like you that make this site great. Can't thank you enough!!!!

    MENACEtoSOCIETY Forerunner

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    sweet map! it plays very well, and enertaining. i can't wait for v2. i think you should have the sewer in v2 partially submerged, but thats just my opinion.
  9. Kilenum

    Kilenum Forerunner
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    I agree with you men1ce The foggy look of the sewers is a bit annoying. I must say after a few games on it you will know your way around. The v2 will have a fully and partially submerged tunnel system with 4 ways in and out. Thanks for the comments guy's!
  10. Silent Kore

    Silent Kore Forerunner

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    Genius idea using water to coincide with the map. I used the same idea when players needed to reach another island. They'd have to walk through a tunnel that is flooded with water to make it seem as if it was underwater. Well, it worked out great! Nice job!
  11. Kilenum

    Kilenum Forerunner
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    Thanks dude it would be nice if Bungie made it so we can see under water. But untill that day we work with what we got. Thanks for all the response and dl's.
  12. xHoBoSNiPeR

    xHoBoSNiPeR Forerunner

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    dude I played this sometimes in customs and it was a BLAST!

    how did you make it possible to go that deep in the water?
  13. Crushric

    Crushric Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I appreciate this maps look and feel, and quasi-inovation for the actual sewer system.

    I have but a few things to note.
    1: for some reason I feel as though this map needs a catwalk between the open roofed building and the TRON-roofed building. as well as the 2 story Needle house and the buiulding with the medkit by the statue should connect (Via catwalks) to the opened roof building as well for some reason.

    2: Think it would be feasable to test drive sequel esque map build on tempest?

    3: If you ever play this map, hit me up, my GT is Crushric. My friends tend to lack Halo: Reach, you see.
  14. Jolan

    Jolan Forerunner
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    There is a section beyond the barrier where the water does not kill you.

    I checked it out with a couple of people but we found it too big for only 4 people. That, and there is an incredible amount of overlapping brushes causing flashies everywhere. However the stone border, structures and especially the water effect were pretty good ideas.

    I really liked the castle with the spiked towers! I'm seeing more and more great uses for the large glass barriers :).
    #14 Jolan, Jan 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2011
  15. SpreadTanTheMan

    SpreadTanTheMan Legendary

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  16. SpreadTanTheMan

    SpreadTanTheMan Legendary

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