City Heights

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by TheOneHero, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. TheOneHero

    TheOneHero Promethean

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    Right, Hello forgehub, While many of you have been twiddling your thumbs waiting for halo 4 i have been forging away and have produced what i think is my best map to-date. The map is called city heights and was made for the forge hub contest hub of the dead III and is my official submission. As you have probably guessed by now, its a linear infection map (part of the hub of the dead rules) and takes place in the middle of a city.

    Now, i know what your thinking "oooh dear, this has already been done before many times" well i think i managed to use some unique concepts in my map that i havent seen in any one else's map before. however, im not gonna sell as something its not. So, without further adue, i give you....City Heights!


    you and your group of friends have been living in the city for quite some time now.After a crazy night partying at your house, you wake up to find the world in tatters with zombies roaming the city streets and debris everywhere. So, after discovering the location of a nearby army encampment, you and your friends set off with nervous energy and a possible hangover to find safety which is just a couple of blocks away.

    1st Phase

    In this phase you awake from your house and soon realize everything is wrong. Humans spawn in the first two floors of the house and quickly make the way out of the building. Zombies will spawn at the door to the next phase initially and will make no hesitation to charge at the humans, so my best advice is not to spring out of spawn because you might find your face meeting a zombie. this is also not good as early casualties start a domino effect and makes it substantially harder for humans throughout the round. in other words, DONT DIE AT THE START!

    Human Spawning area

    after making your way down the street, humans will have to fight off charging zombies at the doors to a local mart. After 70 seconds, the doors will open and you will gain access to the mart.....

    2nd Phase
    the phase is based in the mart and was designed for extremly close quarters. To balance out the sheer difficulty of the phase i added no additional teleporter for zombies and also gave humans lots of power weapons including lots of shotgun ammo, This is one of the most gameplay dynamic phases of the map and my personal favourite. To survive this phase, humans most work togather and form ranks.
    Any human who picks up a shotgun is strongly advised to stand by the entrance and gun down as many zombies as possible as they enter. this is critical as if a couple of zombies break through they will overrun the remaining humans 9 times out of 10. i then suggest that the dmr gunman to stand further back with the rest of the humans and cover ALL passages.

    3rd Phase
    after 50 seconds in the mart the back door will open and humans will gain entrance into the neighbouring alleyway. Look for weapons and ammo in nearby dumpsters but step quickly because zombies are always on your tail.once you walk out back into the street, look for more weapon caches and guard your back from zombies coming from the alley. Humans will make their way towards the army encampment at the end of the street. however, the doors to the base are locked. because, well, the officers are all asleep. look for lots of weapons scattered around this phase and dig deep. Its gonna take a lot to survive the last phase with the remaining survivors.

    The zombies will eventually start spawning on the tower down the road and gamepla will get hectic. Other than that, i think we are done

    Please give this video a look as it gives gameplay of the city heights so you can get better feel of the map.
    Halo Reach Map:"City Heights" - YouTube
    other than that, guys im about done. please give this map a download, i put a lot of hard work into the map and i would hate to see it just sit in my file share the whole time.

    Thanks guys and ill see you soon
  2. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    The video sure does help an lot to get an better perspective, but i still cant get an view of the end of the map. It looks quite nice, and yes this has been done many times before, but i think you did an good job.
  3. TheOneHero

    TheOneHero Promethean

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    Hey, umm sorry for taking so long to reply,onlyjust seen your post. thanks for the feedback and i agree it would of been nice to get more of a look at the third phase but i guess if you download the map you will find out ;)
  4. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The only thing I don't like is the shield door at the mart. You can't shoot the zombies til they come through the door. In a more real life scenario, you'd be able to shoot at them through the door, and maybe through the windows. I saw you got killed trying to shoot a zombie at the door because your shells hit the shield door and not the zombie. Other than that, this looks like a pretty fun map to play! It's cool how you start off in a typical party house and then **** gets real. I see no problem with using an urban theme, as long as you make it unique, which you did. Good job. Invite PAINTS 420 for testing next time you play it.
  5. TheOneHero

    TheOneHero Promethean

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    Thanks Paints yeah i know what you mean. I just had to put the shield door there so humans couldnt hit away the crate. it wasnt ideal at all really, but there wasnt much i could do it about it :(. And dont worry i will ;) urmm ill try adding you :).
  6. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, i guess there's not many ways around it. I just find shield doors very gimmicky, especially when you put them near a CQC holdout. Still like the map though.

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