[FONT="]City Center[/FONT] [FONT="] City Center is an asymmetrical urban map built for larger parties. The thought of the map is based on a hybrid version of Halo 2's 'Headlong' and 'Terminal' maps. The map itself is based on what a Forerunner City Center may look like, A park and fountain surrounded by buildings and a highway. The map works best for one sided games and team slayer. I recommend a game of 5v5 for best results but can handle 8v8 if you wish. I recommend you put on DMR starts and have a jet pack class for best results. Weapons: DMR x5 Sniper Rifle x2 Needle Rifle x1 Plasma Repeater x1 Needler x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Shotgun x1 spartan laser x1 Vehicles: Warthog Chain-gun x1 Ghost x1 mongoose x1 Pictures: The center of the map, known as the 'park' also home to the neutral building. Red building: inside Blue Building: inside The 'Station' located at red teams part of the highway. interior Highway Blue right side Overview Strategies: The highway offers a quick route to take the flag home, simply grab the flag and proceed over the red bridge that connects the red building to the station, have some waiting with a mongoose in the station and you can bring the flag all the way down the highway to the blue base. The jet pack is the best armor ability for yourself, while the drop shield is best for the team. Stick to the high ground for a better tactical advantage, however some power weapons spawn on the lower levels. Special thanks to all the testers as well as Max Extra for helping me with setting up some game types. I hope everyone enjoys the map =D -Walz [/FONT]
Ok first comment for Paulie. Wel I gotta say this is a welcome return to forging for you. Not only do you make some kick-ass looking urban maps, they play awesome to boot. With the sessions we had on this map the map seemed balanced and not to mention, promoted great Vehicle gameplay, which was rare in latter Halo 3 maps. This maps true shining glory is a homage to your previous feature, metro. One-flag and multi-flag show off this map's true, multi-fasted nature. The choice of running through the city center, or taking a hog along the highway, it is a true marvel of forging and what a map truly should be. Great map Paul, from a friend and experience player, well done.
Thanks sharp, ive been gone for awhile and this map was actually posted exactly 2 years after metro haha. I really wanted to get the feel of an urban forerunner map with different areas of both foot and vehicle game play. Now maybe its time i go away from urban maps.... haha who am i kidding but thanks for the great feedback its appreciated =]
yeah thanks man update: there was a slight problem with the map so i fixed it, i linked the new map to the download so everyone dl again! thanks.