EDIT: I think that I should mention that this is my first Serious attempt at a map. Thank you to those who have commented and especially those who have made intelligent comments about interlocking. I tried to explain why I didn't interlock much in the most gracious way I could, but it's hard to be nice when 90% of the comments are "needs more interlocking." I know HOW, I CHOSE not to. Map Description Defenders start off in a fortified structure known as the Citadel, which occupies roughly 2.75 / 7ths of the map. Attackers start in each of the default bases and must battle their way up to the top floor in order to obtain the flag / Plant the bomb etc. A series of catacombs beneath the Citadel and multi-floored layout allows for Long and close range combat. Nearly any style of play can be effective, multiple pathways into each area make camping difficult, though possible. Multiple play-tests and tweaks have made for a map that plays well and still supports frenetic action. Also: Fixed hole in floor during asymmetrical games. Weapons and equipment on map: 1 Machine gun turret (asymmetric spawn only) - 180s 1 Spartan Laser - 120s 1 Energy Sword (difficult to reach) - 150s 1 Trip Mine - 90s 1 Grav Lift - 60s 1 Active Man Cannon 1 Power Drain - 90s 2 Maulers - 60s 2 Shotguns - 150s 2 Needlers - 120s 2 Sniper Rifles - 180s 2 Brute Shots - 45s 2 Regenerators - 60/90s 2 Magnums - 20s 2 SMGs - 10s 2 Deployable Cover Units - 30s 2 Bubble Shields - 90s 2 Plasma Pistols - 45s 2 Firebomb Grenades - 60s 4 Plasma Rifles - 30s 4 Carbines - 20s 4 Spikers - 30s 4 Battle Rifles - 20s 6 Plasma Grenades - 10s 8 Fragmentation Grenades - 10s _________________________________________________ Front A view of the Citadel from the front. 3rd floor Keeping opponents off of the structure entirely is easier than defending the third floor. central Tower A View of the central tower from the second floor. Left A side view of the Citadel Shotgun Getting a Shotgun means crossing a lot of open terrain. _________________________________________________ * This map is not related to, inspired by or otherwise derived from Shock Theta’s Citadel, or Mass Effect Download Citadel v3.5 Version 3.5 is now available in my fileshare. I flipped the boxes to allow a perfectly flat floor. There are still some small visible gaps, but these have not affected gameplay in any way. Also, moved Sniper Rifles to BR Bunkers, The map now has only 1 PowerDrain unit behind Spartan Laser. Firebomb spawn every 60 seconds
looks like a well made map but you could have interlocked those boxes. the reason why is because those boxes usually make the map bumpier and interlocking makes the map look even nicer. btw that central tower looks great. also welcome to forgehub, i hope you find this site helpful like i did
I agonized about interlocking the boxes but it made the Citadel too small. Playtests didn't show any bumps though.
Alright, well I'm downloading this map and plan to play it eventually. It looks nice and your description sounds pretty nice, too. However, I've found people don't like numbers in the title, so V3.4 might kill your thread...
I have to say, I just looked through this and a lot of the structures look nice, but I found a few things you could improve. Firstly, I went all over the map, and for a map that size, there should be more weapons. I mean, there was a lot of equipment, but a few more weapons that aren't power weapons would do well on the map. Maybe a sniper, a few BRs and Carbines, an assault rifle here or there and a couple of dual-weilded weapons would do well. Secondly, I'm not sure if you were looking at asymmetrical gametypes or symmetrical gametypes. If it's asymmetrical, I don't like how you include both of the bases of foundry. I think if you were to block one off, it might work better. Also, if you could, I'd check out the forging 101 section of this site. It has some great tutorials on some neat tricks that can make your map look better. I think with a bit of interlocking your map would play a little better.
To the post above ... I already explained why I didn't interlock the boxes. It made the Citadel itself too small. The visible gaps are small and don't have any effect on the gameplay (why fix what isn't broken?). With asymmetric games, defenders hold the citadel and attackers posses both default bases. Flag cap point is in the middle of the back hall. As for weapons, multiple playtests have shown that the variety and quantity of weapons is more than sufficient. I have another map underway, codenamed Killswitch, which I think will blow this one out of the water, maybe even into orbit.
I don't see the point of having the man cannon, and it looks like you took out the bridge from the central tower in one of the pictures..... Good job on the map though.
The bridge spawns in symmetrical games... ...I already explained why I didn't interlock, read the whole first page or don't post. The man Cannon is for looks.
Hey dude, I've seen a couple of your maps now, and you really have some good ideas and interesting designs. Coming from another new member, I know nothing's more annoying than a comment than "Needs more interlocking. 2/5." Here's a couple tips to make your maps smoother overall: double boxes are much smoother and usually put upside down, and if you're putting two double boxes next to each other and have a few boxes to spare, try interlocking a third box directly in between the first and second to make it look like one smooth, big floor.
Listen to H3C x Nevs, he's got the right idea. Another thing I noticed is that despite the shotgun being relatively hard to get to, once you have it, the whole map becomes a trailer park for camping. If you hadn't already thought of it, try changing the spare clips in the shotty to just 1 clip.
this looks great. Ill take your word for it and say interlocking doesn't matter on the map. The citadel itself looks well made... shotgun looks pretty easy to retrieve and then find a spot to camp with, but the openness hopefully helps out there. Also lol, howd you figure out that exactly 2.75/7ths or the map were used lol... that was actually pretty funny.
Now, im suprised this wasn't mentioned before, but this name has already been used by a much more popular map (its actually the most viewed map here on fh, and is also featured here...)...so if you don't mind me suggesting, change the name, because it could be slightly misleading to others looking for the real citadel...
I Know the name was already used, but didn't when I made it. Anyhoo, Camping has yet to be a problem after waaaay too many playtests to count.