Update! Here's my Citadel Remake turned Inspiration. There are some differences from my original design but the creative license is mine lol. So far I have completed the basic geometry of the map and added in some cover pieces but I'm not quite certain about them all, I tried to give more cover on the map without adding too much "lazy cover", knowing how despised it is Anyways enough drawl and moar pics! Oh on a side note I did add some weapons and a few (****ty) spawns but not enough to make it playable. Just for fun I put down rockets in the usual place( 3min rs, 0 spares ), two snipers in slightly shifted positions( 2min rs, 2 spares ), and some CRs where the powerups once were under plat( 45s rs, 1 spare ). I have absolutely zero idea whether that is balanced or not but when it comes to playtesting I guess I'll find out haha. Old Progress:
Diggin what you did with the center structure, I felt like a human target every time I jumped across the map. The sprint AA would definitely work well in this scenario esp. in Swat.
I don't see how this is Citadel at all, the only resemblance is the objects your using as glass but that's automatic anyways, but that's probably because it's not finished. When I see this thread updated with a more completed model I will edit my post.
Long time since i have played citidel, this lokks pretty darn good aye as D4N said i am realyy diggin the center of the map
I don't see it either. I see a map which is a similar shape and layout but not enough for it to be a Citadel remake. I mean, with all the objects at your disposal, why is your remake so different? Its not a bad map, I just wouldn't go around saying its a Citadel remake.
I couldn't remember what citadel was when first read the OP, After thinking for a bit i remembered and the middle path is completely wrong so is a few other things If your going for Citadel remake do it perfectly! down the the angle of every part of the roof and walls other wise it's not a remake.
Well I guess because there are so many differences from the original aesthetics of the map it can be hard to see. But I guess I should explain what my goal and plan for the *remake* is. I wanted to take everything great that citadel had to offer, such as layout, geometry, lines of sight, etcetera, and scrap everything that I didn't like or thought did not contribute to fast paced, competitive gameplay like: the large amounts of nooks and crannies to squeeze into, a very bumpy wall map that is interrupted consistently by outcropped pillars(hurts grenade play), and a centerpiece that failed the rest of the map's standards in so many ways. Thus what you see hear is a shell or husk of the pretty map Bungie designed, but nonetheless it still hold it's great design and competitive merit. I'll actually explain my thought process for the new middle. The reason I cut the free standing plat and implemented a full length bridge across was to give the map some more flow. Two short jumps to get across can feel so awkward and clumsy in actual gameplay that I felt a solid bridge across would cease that clumsiness. But along with implementing a bridge I had ruined two routes to the second level so I added in the ramps on the edges of the middle room. I think these are a great replacement for the original ways up because they are actually a route into the bases now and not just routes to a another route(aka the middle plat).
Honestly, you didn't do a very good job. The reason we don't recognise it as Citadel is not because of the different aesthetics, Citadel was Forerunner anyway so the aesthetics should actually be quite similar. The reason is that this map is simply not like Citadel. About Citadel's flow. The flow is circular. Most of the paths players will take will be from base to base around the edges of the map. Go and look up the Bungie Weekly Updates which discuss Citadel, you'll find somewhere they talk about going around the edge of the map is pretty much the main feature of Citadel and how one path can be totally blocked off by a piece of equipment which creates small intense battles. By sticking that bridge there you actually slice the flow. Instead of having action flowing nicely around the edge with the occasional dip across the middle, you've got a knife and burst the flow and now its all leaked in to the middle and no one really has any reason to go around the edges. Is a small change, but it has a huge impact to gameplay. Then the pillars interrupting grenade gameplay? I rely on those pillars and struts to bounce grenades on to other floors, round corners or behind myself. They add to grenade gameplay. But as I said before; your map is not a bad map. Its just a very bad remake of Citadel. Stop trying to "remake" Citadel and work with what you've got to iron out the kinks to make your own unique map.
I know this will definitely will be interesting.....! It looks good. It will do, not a bad remake I must say. I can also tell a change right of the bat, the bridge, wrong way eh? LOL. I know you said you made some changes. Good job.
Don't say this is a citidel remake because modt of the feature are completely different. Alos, try adding a forrunner feal to it, this is mostly achieved throught the detail aspect of the map. This is a nice start though, it looks great!
I'm getting the feeling that people saying its a good remake have not played the original Citadel... its a bad remake. A good map, but a bad remake.