~The Cinema~ Put On A ShowFor Your Friends! Download the Map Variant Here In the Cinema you and your friends can have some fun performing for one another, use the ability to perform special affects and or abilities, and if your show sucks, the audience can throw tomatoes(plasma's) at you! Have Fun! The Stage ~ Overall look ~ Stage Backalley, To Understage ~ Understage ~ Class A Seats (Un-Damageable) ~ Class B Seats (Very Vunerable) ~ Glory Hole! ~ Party Pistols! (Plasma Pistol) ~ Suvinier Shop ~ Parking Area ~ If Your Show SUCKS Watchers Can Throw Tomatoes At You!(plasma nades) Thanks For Loking At My Map!
yeah i was kinda worried about that, a friend told me casual but thanks for the help, i would appreciate it to be moved to the RIGHT place. i wont get banned will I?
Very nice though this has been done before (all were different from eachother though). This does looks more like an aesthetic map instead of casual but I could be wrong. What the heck is a glory whole though??? 5/5 EDIT: Oh sorry I posted after you said it should be aesthetic, and no, you will not get banned. Mods are nice people and will help with your problems most of the time.
I love the idea and map but the seating looks sloppy and doesn't make much sense to me. 4/5 very original. I think a lot of cooperative people would enjoy this map but party poopers/noobs would make it boring. If anyone plays this map, make sure you have cooperative people. I just played it and it is pretty fun... Keep forging! Once again, this is very original and well built. BTW I love tomatoes... PS: I didn't know it was already done.
Oh okay. I wish there was one in every movie theatre!! It would be more like an actual 3D movie experiece but would probably cost the theatres too much lol. But this isn't a movie theatre. This is a theatre theatre lol. You have a download from me.
sweet thanks, yeah i was thinking on how to make acending rows and my only thought was to throw in a glory hole! lawl!
Very nice (thats for you Borat.) It should be aesthetic but its still pretty cool. I see you put lots of time into making it the best it could possible be, and adding as much as you possibly can. Final score: 5/5
Lol this looks funny. Plasma grenades as tomatoes were brilliant lol. You should make the people invulnerable so that the tomatoes don't kill them.
Who would rate this 5 stars? No offence but seriously, it deserves a 3.5/5 in my opinion. Good Job though!
yeah the tomatoes are everyones favorite, even if the show is great, people still say ''BOO'' and throw the tamatoes, lol
This is a nice map. I like the idea. I haven't seen maps like this, mostly theaters are just giant screens with seating. Nice thinking 5/5
i guess this could be a cool minigame type game lol or if you just wanna mess around/hang out with ur buddies on xbox live.