[youtube]UcvGoK4DLZo[/youtube] Download from Bungie.net Heres the MLG Featured Map! version 1.5 of my Chill Out. I've made a small video to compare the Original Halo CE Chill Out with this Forged version. Video Walkthrough: http://gameroom.mlgpro.com/view/2UMp6BlswNY.html Hope you guys enjoy, and any comments or improvements are much appriciated! Chutie
Wow impressive remake. Video was really well done. DL'ing *EDIT* I went ahead and fixed the link for you. Try to publish it next time and not give a fileshare.
I saw this on MLGPRO yesterday. It is exactly like the old Chillout. I watched the video and everything! Best remake I have ever seen out there yet with the objects you get to forge with. You deserve something, rofl.
Very Nice But I have a question. How did you pull the exact layout ideas from my head? Seriously, it's exactly like the one I had been planning, down to uses of stairs vs bridges for ramps. *crosses off to-do list* Nice job. Excellent even. You got everything down, including the 2X overshield and the floating thingy that you can throw stuff under.
Whats a mason!? Sorry but I don't understand what was wrong about my post? Do you want me to delete it?
He's right. Fileshares a no no. Make a Bungie.net forum of this awesome remake because it deserves it. You did a nice job of making everything pretty spot on. Nice work.
Oh thanks for replying, I didn't realise there was an issue with Fileshare links...why is that? Thanks for the comments any suggestions for improvements?
yeah it is pretty impressive but i almost have 100 content which means i gotta delete so yeah can't dwnload
Downloading now. "Its NeXn" set the bar pretty high with his remake (V3). I'll try it out and give feedback comparing the two. *Edit* Ok, so i downloaded it and i'm impressed. Overall, i think i like "Its Nexn"s version better, but yours has some aspects that i like over the other. 1. Your upper teleporter is in the corect position. 2. Your rocket platforms are longer and have the support beams underneath for cover. 3. Your main teleporter room has the large columns and has a short bump to mimic the height change between it and the other main room. 4. I also like that you used a bridge in the shotgun room instead of stairs. I wish you (and NeXn) had also used a bridge instead of stairs in the red base as well. I noticed both of you ran out of bridges, but you may have been able to edit the map somewhere to gain extra bridges. As for things i would improve (or liked better on Nexn's version) 1. The walkway between the main room (under the rocket platforms) and the shotgun room should be more closed off. This make battle between the rooms more intense. 2. All rooms around the main room should be lower than the main room. This might be impossible to do unless you can find extra $ somewhere to build a false floor to raise the main room up from Foundry's floor a bit. Plus, it would involve scrapping the map altogether and starting from scratch, which nobody likes to do. 3. There are several places where the floor is made from fence wall, so can get shot at from below. That's not a big deal if that was your intention and was added as an improvement. 4. Other than these minor complaints, the only other thing i would like to see is things to be straightened up a bit. It looks a bit crooked in some places and doesn't look as "clean" as NeXn's. These are just constructive criticisms and not meant to demean you or your map in any way. Its still extremely good; and, it is so close to Nexn's that if both maps were in a race, you would almost need a photo-finish to determine the winner.
wow im downloading it jsut because that is the best damn video ive ever seen for a forge map... and was chill out really that pink? i mean i remember what the halo maps looked like an all but its been awhile since ive actually seen them...
Thanks for the replies guys! I'll take a look at those points you raised, possibly some that I could take up, other than the budget spending ones and fence walls. Sadly Bungie made it retarded-ly hard to creat simple, clean looking maps!