Map Title: ChupaFortBattle A very Symmetrical Team Based CASTLE map Download Map Description: A very Symmetrical Team Based CASTLE map made for: Slayer(TS)(NOT MT) King of the Hill Assault Capture The Flag Territoriez VIP ...AND EVERYTHING ELSE WITH LARGE GROUPS Weaponz Each base has x5 BR's(all 60 seconds) x1 Brute Shot(120 seconds) x1 Sniper(120 Seconds) x1 Turret (Never respawn) Also there is a x1 rockets(120 seconds) in the middle for any team to get Also a bunch of nades with the BRz The Story (dont read it all itz very stoopid) Once upon A time A lonely Master Chief was walking around a place called foundry. This place was filled with all sortz of stuff like monkeyz, Aliens, and alsoa Blam! load of angry roosterz. The Chief found a bunch of his friendz including Arbiter they were just hanging around and all of a sudden A hole Blam! load of roosters chased us into a fort which Was made By: Chupalupa23 and also he made a ton load of awsome mapz like this in his fileshare <---Bad advertizing When they were in the fort it was made so wel that they were safe from the Blamin! roosterz but the Alienz were next and they need a better fort or map made By:Chupalupa23 coming out soon so look out for more mapz from Chupalupa23....too be continued....then continued again....and soo on! I took my time on this map to make it as close to perfect as possible So enjoy this Team Based gameplay! Dont Forget if you rip off the turret like pic above then itz not spawning back, Also Rate pleeze Much Thankz to those who do. ENJOY!!! .
Looks really good, the middle looks a bit open. I've dled, so I'll report back later but as far as what you've posted it looks great, interlocking construction, look great. Only thing I'd recommend is pushing those wall doubles(shown in picture 2) into the ground a bit to make it more walkable and it'd help with aesthetics. Other than that looks like a solid map.
its open in some areas and confined in others. looks fun for ctf. linubidix has dled so i will check it out with him
yea i love open places to br someone and also confined places for good granade placement and fighting if ya know what i mean
this looks freaking awsome.. its very plain but i can see you made it that way for a reason. and acually even if you wouldnt have put pics of king id think that wouldbee very fun to play.
Tankz everyone for all the good comments im going to use forgehub alot more often because some unspeakable thingz that happend at that one unspeakable website