Who else here is a fan of this show? I started watching it on hulu around december, and since then have bought the entire first season for my iphone, and Im always waiting every monday for a new episode to come out. For thouse who dont know about the show. Chea. I ****ing love this show, and I dont know why. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89Ye6dLzp4o
This show is great, I don't know why I like it so much either. I should watch more of them so I can call myself a fan. What's your favourite episode?
Chuck is such a good show, unfortunately it has a time slot that puts it against The Big Bang Theory and how I Met Your Mother, shows that are really good as well, so I have to watch Chuck on hulu. There was an article that I read talking about how it's kinda close to being canceled, or something like that. I hope that doesn't happen before it can get syndicated, because it's a really awesome show. To continue with my wall of text, I think NBC has done a great job lately with their shows. I love Chuck and Heroes, and I've recently started watching Friday Night Lights and Kings which are equally good. I suggest you check out Kings though, it's pretty intriguing. /wall of text
Its tuesday! and that means the latest episode of chuck is on hulu! Hulu - Chuck: Chuck Versus the Predator - Watch the full episode now.