Chubby Cryptbox is a brand new remake of everyones favorite infection map, Chubby Stadium. This new map has been created in Sandboxes Crypt and has some new features including the new 7 wood, floating safe spot and an all new turret system. The map also slowly changes over time to make gameplay that bit darker and more synyster. Use with "Fatty Crypt" game variant, found here : : Halo 3 File Details Link : : Halo 3 File Details Screenshots below. This map was made by Formaldahyde (myself) and Pikminmegamasta. Please download and give your opinion. Also if any glitches are found (ie. ways out the map, spawning problems etc.) or if you have any questions please PM me or contact me over XboxLIVE. Hope you enjoy. The floor screenshots may appear to have few weapons but they do. Each floor has at least 8 - 10 weapons. There are also no useless weapons such as plasma pistols or magnums, all weapons have some use either against the Fat Kid or normal zombies. Hope the screenshots help. I may also be adding a YouTube video.
Try this. This should help you imbed screenshots. Hopefully you can get them in, I like the sound of this.
No one else post about him not having the pictures up. He will do what he needs to do or his thread will be locked. Not to sound harsh because this does sound like a good idea but I doubt you will get any downloads without pictures.