
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Lord Weazel, Nov 24, 2008.

  1. Lord Weazel

    Lord Weazel Ancient
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    "The avalanche has ended, but you are now trapped inside a cave. Can you escape? Or will you be SNOWED IN?
    I like puzzle maps, so I challenged myself to make a puzzle map somewhere besides Foundry. I decided to set the map inside the cave in the middle of Avalanche, with the idea being to escape. While falling is a common hazard on this puzzle, there are checkpoints placed in various locations to cut down on time spent redoing sections of the map.

    This map is not laid out like a normal linear puzzle map; each part is visible to the others, but each must also be completed in order to move onto another, and some require parts found in other sections to move on.
    So try this festive challenge. Will you be SNOWED IN?[​IMG]
    "Well, we're definitely snowed in."

    Welcome to the cave.

    "To reach that node will take a hop, but I'll need help to reach the top."

    "This crate is fine until I'm tops, but my progress it does stop."

    "Find the Checkpoint to keep in line, a BR would help but a pistol is fine."

    "Checkpoint Two's a saving grace, use the 'hog to save some face."

    "Your passage here will all depend on if you've made a Puma friend."

    "For every action that you take, a reaction you shall make."

    "Get inside the tele box, use a tool to make some dots."

    "To have a chance to win the game, one must take a leap of flame."

    "One ball will see me past the bars, choose one wisely then leap the fire."

    "This easy jump gives a simple task, jump then grab to follow the path."

    "This is it, you're almost there, jump on blue to taste the air."

    There you are, the hints to various parts of the puzzle. I doubt i'll post a walkthrough anytime soon, but message me if you're stuck and I'll try to help. To any who beat it, congrats, and please give feedback!

    Special thanks to Chintapop, Pacman14631 and VivaBurrito for testing this (and not killing me afterwards).

    Till next post,
    -Lord Weazel

    PS Use the gametype for it. Otherwise it doesn't work.

    Map link: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    Game link: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 Lord Weazel, Nov 24, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2008
  2. Theartofhalo2

    Theartofhalo2 Ancient
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    How'd you get those things to float out there?

    Nice puzzle, it looks pretty fun and like it was hard to make.
  3. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    this looks very good. I haven't seen a really good map on avalanche in awhile. let alone a puzzle map. I'll try tomorrow...
  4. D34thly F1r3

    D34thly F1r3 Ancient

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    Woah this puzzle map looks cool some of them look easy to do, but id say the rest of them are pretty hard, good job!
  5. maddflash

    maddflash Ancient
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    That puzzle looks nice. I bet it was hard getting those items to float.
  6. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    The name is a bit of a stretch, no where on this map did I see anything that resembles any connection to Christmas. I mean sure it's on avalanche and includes snow but that's about it. By these standards any game made on this map can be related to Christmas. The name just seems like a cheap ploy, no worse than the heartless advertisers of our time, manipulating the true meaning of Christmas in order to gain you're product more attention.

  7. Markkus

    Markkus Ancient
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    Nice. It looks like a great map, but you might need to add a tiny big more items to make it better. Also, why call it Christmas?
  8. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    GASP! No rhyming there!! BAN HIM!!! lawlz... jk, just thought that was funny, the only line not to rhyme that one time... (lawlz I pwn at this)

    Anyway, it looks awesome. Some of the puzzles seem confusing from the pictures, but I'm going to check it out and see. Also, the pic where it says, "welcome to the cave" shows what looks like the same thing that was in "Get inside the telebox and make dots"... I don't know, it looks like you end up back at the beginning?

    anyway, Ill try it and see how it is. Nice map, and interesting putting a puzzle map OFF of Foundry. Originality= WIN.
  9. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    um save and quit is hard?

    anyways from the pix it looks like a great map.i dont know if i could solve this i suck at puzzles. but i really dont see a connection between this map and christmas. but it doesnt really matter. good map
  10. maddflash

    maddflash Ancient
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    I meant to add the word "neatly" but hey, What ever floats your boat.
  11. sangheili dude

    sangheili dude Ancient
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    i <3 the name of the map, at first i thought it was gonna be a chistmas tree XD
  12. Lord Weazel

    Lord Weazel Ancient
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    Ok, I believe that the connection between the gametype/map name "Snowed in on Christmas" was lost slightly. While the map was indeed not themed around christmas, I was trying to make an interesting theme. Sorry if I caused any confusion.
  13. Chintapop

    Chintapop Ancient
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    it was hard. BETA TESTING FTW
  14. master gamertag

    master gamertag Ancient
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    I beat it and it was a little bit of a challenge but not kill myself hard.

    but I did notice it is very easy to break out and skip a whole chunk of it.
  15. ChaoticF34r

    ChaoticF34r Ancient
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    Awesome hints
  16. OMG Its Storm

    OMG Its Storm Ancient
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    Good job man! 5/5! It looks like you spend alot of time on this map. you merged and made about everything float! I LOVE puzzle maps. and the fact that you didnt do it in foundry, awesome. I will dl and get back to you. looks great, keep up the good work
  17. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    The fact it's not on Foundry or Blackout has me intrigued, so I'm gonna give this a go. That and the rather ridiculous rhyming riddles of randomness. :)

    The questions I ask myself are:
    • Are there any original ideas?
    • Is there an over-use of turret/vehicle clipping?
    • Can I break/skip puzzles?
    Those are the three most important things I will be looking out for...

    You already get a bonus point for using a checkpoint system though!

    I'll be back to comment on this map sometime soon.
  18. loph12

    loph12 Ancient
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    Wow! This map is soo cool! Took so long for me to finish. Very nice floating and puzzles.

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