Foundry Christmas Asset

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by luckiesnipes, Dec 16, 2009.

  1. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Christmas Asset

    Christmas Asset is...
    actually no different than regular Asset with the exception of color changes and background story. Oh and after you play Christmas Asset you will feel more jolly!
    First off the goal is the same except you are no longer ODSTs you are elves. You must protect the Asset Santa from brutes. Yes brutes are the same but the chieftain is not a chieftain at all. You will find out what he is If you keep reading. So now that you know how works heres how to play. ​

    Download Christmas Asset
    Download Christmas Asset Gametype
    (Gametype Is not nescessary if you have Asset v2 but still makes it more fun)​

    Gametype Settings
    Settings were copy pasted from Rifte Gifles Asset Post
    Outside of radius:
    -200% damage resistance
    -No shields
    -110% damage modifier
    -Player speed: 90%
    -Player gravity: 100%
    -No sensors​

    -Forced colour green
    -Waypoint visible to allies
    -Passenger only in vehicles(for hijacking vehicles)​

    Inside radius:
    -2x overshields
    -Normal shield recharge rate
    -Immune to headshots enabled
    -Full vehicles use
    -25 meter radar (normal mode)​

    Santa (Asset)
    -200% damage resistance
    -4x overshields
    -90% shield recharge speed
    -50% damage
    -Weapon pickup disabled
    -Inf. Ammo enabled​

    -Player speed: 75%
    -Player gravity: 50%
    -Passenger only vehicle use
    -Enhanced sensors, 25m
    -Waypoint visible to everyone
    -Forced colour red​


    -200% damage resistance
    -No shields

    -110% damage modifier
    -Player speed: 90%
    -Player gravity: 100%
    -No sensors​

    -Forced colour blue
    -Waypoint visible to allies
    -Passenger only in vehicles(for hijacking vehicles)​

    Custom Power up traits
    -90 seconds duration
    -500% damage resistance
    -normal shields
    -No shield recharge
    -Immune to headshots
    -150% damage modifier​

    -infinite ammo
    -Weapon pickup disabled
    -110% speed
    -75% gravity
    -Vehicle use passenger only
    -25m radar, enhanced mode
    -Forced colour white (hint hint)
    -NO waypoint​

    Brute- Standard weapons except no fuel rod
    Shotgun x1
    Sniper x1
    Rockets x1
    Assult Rifles x2
    Splazer x1
    Trip Mine x1​

    Defenders Spwan in the chimeney base
    Attackers Spawn out here mancannons push you out after 20 seconds
    After the brutes die they are sent here
    Teleporter leads to vehicles
    Brute Base
    I didnt put milk and cookies on the table... sorry
    Now the reason I have been So exited about the chieftain is the cheftain is my favorite aspect of asset. After losing endire over and over because of chieftains I like to know what it feels like to be the other way around but this no ordinary chieftain its...
    Its Bumble! The Abomidable Snowman!
    Moving on here is the stalker spawn
    and the stack of prestents!
    Last but not least the destination... Opens after 150 seconds

    Action Shots!
    A good strategy and who doesnt love to climb trees
    Bumble owns N00bZ!

    Merry Christmas!
    Enjoy! Download link up top!
    #1 luckiesnipes, Dec 16, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2009
  2. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
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    OMG i much prefer bumble over the cheiftian. Cant the 'brutes' just run next to the pipe and die?
  3. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes bumble is the best and yes but they wait 10 seconds to spawn again
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Two flaws when I was playing that I noticed:

    1: The spawn room. Players can spawn instantly instead of waiting 20 seconds for the mancannons by walking towards the pipe, dying and respawning. I would suggest that you make the spawn somewhere else such as the crane (above 2/3 of the cranes on both sides of the map) or the other window panel room (in the back, block it off or something). Put fusion coils in there after 20 seconds or something.

    2: Teleporter. The teleporter to the chopper and ghost can be blocked when someone stands on top of the receiver. Then enemies can make it to the destination and camp there.

    Two flaws when I was playing that I noticed:

    1: The spawn room. Players can spawn instantly instead of waiting 20 seconds for the mancannons by walking towards the pipe, dying and respawning. I would suggest that you make the spawn somewhere else such as the crane (above 2/3 of the cranes on both sides of the map) or the other window panel room (in the back, block it off or something). Put fusion coils in there after 20 seconds or something.

    2: Teleporter. The teleporter to the chopper and ghost can be blocked when someone stands on top of the receiver. Then enemies can make it to the destination and camp there.

    Other than that, the map is creative and fun. The first words that I said when playing was "KOOL BEANZ!" because the map gives such a joyous feeling when playing due to it's aesthetic beauty.

    BTW: Yay Im the Bumble Yeti in the pictures!
    #4 Loscocco, Dec 16, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2009
  5. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Just played a game of this and had a great time! The theme of the map is splendid, and the forging is nice as well. I love how you colored everything in a Christmas theme, but kept it all organized as well. It was easy enough to hold out to the end which was also quite enjoyable. Well done, and thanks for a Christmas Asset map!
  6. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    What a good way to put you in the Christmas spirit. I played a few games, loved the Christmas Tree and the train. I don't like how the defenders can get on the vehicle ledge. From there they can dominate and bock the receiver going to the vehicle ledge. And that is no fun.
  7. KillerOllie96

    KillerOllie96 Ancient

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    ahhh, I tested it and loved it! I knew you would post it soon. One problem I was going to tell you but then you posted this: If someone stands on the teleported next to the choppers and ghost, and another person next to the spawning simply walk through the blocked teleporter and becomes a stalker. What stopes this, because when I played it, there was no door or anything behind it. Have you placed one there now?

    Also, why did you get that pic when I killed the asset when he was just about to get into the arena? That was wicked!

    Anyway, this is a great map. Its great for everone! I love the little train next to the tree! Great job!
  8. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    THe map is gorgeous.very well set up fro foundry
  9. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Ill fix the teleporter issue. Ill probably just add another reciecver
    to the table that sould fix it. Oh and thanks GunnerGrunt my gaol was to
    get the forgehub community into the christmas spirit.
  10. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    + The christmas tree, while a little crude looking, was a very nice aestetic piece.
    + The christmas theme was a nice change from the normal asset game, even if it was only visual.
    + The train was bad a$$!

    - When I played it the asset was able to get up to the vehicles, not sure if you wanted that as I didnt play for to long since it was one of those parties full of little kids that just wanted instant kill zombies...>.<
    - When the covenant spawn in the starting room you can just go and kill yourself, and you get out faster.
    - The map felt to open, but I realize you most likely ran out of items/money.

    Score: 6.5/10
  11. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    -Already mentioned a few times; the vehicle pad was breakable. I suggest that you have the vehicles spawn with the covenant behind a wall of some sort and have a door that is blocked with a teleporter, so when you go through it you would die.

    -People got stuck on the mancannon door often.

    -You should have EIGHT respawn points in the regular brute spawn.

    -Not sure if you had enough objects, but for an aesthetic touch you should have added overshields/custom powerups/camos on the tree for Christmas lights!

    -The map felt very open, especially infront of the main spawn area.

    -For the stalker, DO NOT have so many flame nades. Only have 1 set to something around 45 second respawn, the same with the camo. There should only be 1 mauler, but if you have one set to 10 second respawn and another set to 20 second respawn, then I think that would work as well.

    Other comments
    Kudos for making a christmas-themed asset map firstly. I thought that the map had potential, but overall had some bugs that could have been easily roughed out. The map seemed a bit plain, considering that it revolved around christmas, so adding lights to the tree would've done the trick.

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