So I've been really exited about making a Christmas Themed map. And with Asset becomeing so popular I though... Christmas Asset! The Gametype is no different except for the forced color. Basicaly the asset is santa who is red, the players protecting him are elves (green) and the chieftain is the abominable snowman. But the map is the cool part. Your toystory sized and you spawn in a chimeney and hold out there. There is a tree with a toy train going around it. Thats all of the map I have for now so heres pics! Tree and Train Tree and Train again Chimney so far Now... I need some help with 1 what I should add to the map and 2 how I sould make the chimney morte realistic. Please help me. Ill proabably finish by wednesday and testing will start thursday.
I didnt know christmas trees were bigger then trains >.> Although im really liking the looks of the tree, find a way to put a star on the top and i would love this map.
I suggest making this on Avalanche instead, more christmas-y. And add the star of David at the top just for kicks.
I played this map with 3 other people (I didn't know them, but they invited me and I joined ), and it's pretty cool. It has a lot of issues though. First of all, the humans and the asset can easily get up to the vehicle platform by jumping on the crane. Second, one of the mancannon doors the brutes go out of (I think it's the one with the red signs) kind of traps you for a second and you have to struggle to get out. Third, the tree is very easily campable. And lastly, you REALLY didn't have to make a new gametype. I'm pretty sure the only thing you changed was the colors or the asset and humans. Once you work out these issues, I'll DL.
I fixed these you tested with me MR ipod touch while the map was in beta problems have been fixed and it will be published soon.