STFU We both took a shot at this sig. The quality of the stock was horrible, but we had to use the stock for a sig request. Now tell me about low quality?
The text doesn't look that pixelated, but it still looks a little bit. Stock Sucked End Of Story. I would love to see you do better with this shitty stock.
Havent you heard, im an anime junkie now. O and lets stop fighting, infractions will be slapped to us. Im getting over my second one tomorow, then i get wear sigs again.
Frag Man is like a generator. Once you learn from him you become him. -.- If you think you can fix up a sig with a stock like that any better, please be my guest. If you are trying to give a CnC don't be a prick about it. I have never felt bad about Frag or Mace's CnC, but coming from you DC? Really?