Sandbox Chopper

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Possessed Adam, Feb 15, 2010.

  1. Possessed Adam

    Possessed Adam Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by ACES Xx BliTZz

    Supported Gametypes:
    11 Killstreak

    Map Description
    In an arena of cover, an Apatche gunship hovers in wait for
    its prey to come out of cover and run to the next.

    As the Apatche Gunner, make sure you stop people getting
    to the end, cos they can kill you. Use your Machine Gun
    Turret to oppose against them.

    As the Human, move around the cover carefully, if the
    Apatche Gunner isn't that good, try to cut across the map
    but if the gunner is pro then dont. When you go threw the
    final teleport, get into the chopper and gain revenge.

    Chopper Gunner

    The Course

    Dead Gunner


    Thanks to Lol is a Killer for help creating the cover for the humans.
    Please post how I can improve it :)

    Download Chopper Here
    Download 11 Killstreak Here
  2. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    Well first off theres no 't' in apache. I would suggest visiting the forging 101 section here and learn some forging tricks to neatin up your map and make it more appealing to the viewers. But other than than that it looks alright. Maybe make the map more dynamic, right now it looks kind of plain.
  3. Jrcane4455

    Jrcane4455 Ancient

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  4. ryguy3298

    ryguy3298 Ancient

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    Dude great idea in all but, that looks nothing like an apache helicopter. My suggestion would be forging around a hornet so that you are able to use its guns and it would make the driver's seat look like the cockpit of an apache. But hey, I might be wrong there may be no way to forge around a hornet.

    -Actually when you think about it Foundry would be better to make this map. I'm not quite sure how to explain it but it would look much better.
    #4 ryguy3298, Feb 16, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2010
  5. IILilNinjiII

    IILilNinjiII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It was alright, the choppper has been done several times and srry to say this but others have made it better then you. The asthetics werent too appealing and from what i seee the way you blocked it off doesnt seem so great. Other then that it was alright. 7.5/10

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