Choose your own Adventure

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Jmen77, Sep 5, 2010.

  1. Jmen77

    Jmen77 Ancient
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    This map took forever to perfect after trial and error..... this is aTHIS IS A NEW TYPE OF PUZZLE THAT I CALL A THREE BALL EXPLORATION/ADVENTURE PUZZLEthis map is meant to be easy and meant to be open world like an rpg if think about this .

    No disrespect to Aftershock at all but i do not (and this is my opinion ) consider his Of RA maps adventure puzzle because it only has one goal and one way to beat it this map (my map) can be beat over 25 different ways.

    Every puzzle in my time has been either too hard, to short ,or too long but after u beat it finally what you just delete it no replay value this puzzle is meant to be able to be played again and still have a new experience every time you play it.

    Each Oddball is a different difficulty the first one is the easiest. The second is medium . The third one is the hardest but not like Buddhacrane hard or Mander A1 hard no its a mild hard (couldnt think of someone to put in front if that hard ). Each can be done in a different way everytime you play the map.

    If in the end you do beat it everyway possible even some new ways here are some extra objectives.
    1. Find every hidden item on the map
    2. Grab all three balls in one game
    3. Try to be the map in the quickest time
    4. Find the most creative way to beat the map
    The first Oddball (easiest)
    The second Oddball (medium)
    The third Oddball (hardest)
    Overview Middle Level
    Overview Crypt
    Overview Skybubble (updated)
    Elevator Up (skybubble)
    Elevator Down (middle)
    Remember there are no rooms only building that you can explore at your own free will no limitations. Id like to thank all the testers that helped test the map.
    and yes i like to write big :p
    #1 Jmen77, Sep 5, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2010
  2. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
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    I love your idea here. Your right, almost all puzzles are too hard, too easy, or too long, but this reminds me of three levels, where you pick your own difficulty. I hope yours isnt that hard, because, heck, I couldnt even beat legend of ra (the second one) But this, this looks totaly new and unique to anything ive seen before. I'm going to download simply on the fact that i love the idea, but secretly hope this isnt just a jumping map, because thats what the sky bubble looked liked. Now, I havnt played it yet, (im about to DL) but I really want to understand how the over 25 ways to beat it works. Ah well, i guess ill see soon enough!

    PS- your links arent working properly, and I was just about to download it! SAD FACE!
    #2 Confused Flamingo, Sep 5, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2010
  3. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    I think forgehub should give puzzles their own section. The map looks pretty decently forged for a puzzle/adventure map but can you please explain more how this is choose your own adventure. The reason I liked choose your own adventure was there were choices that had a risk of ending your game entirely. This feels more like a choose your own pathway as there seem to be consequences for wrong choices but death is only on 1 part that I see and restarting doesn't really feel like one of them. It looks like a good map that could confuzzle me a couple of times until I found all the routes. I would add to the map choices that lead into a gap or even force you to restart. That would be nice. Overall 7/10. I have Dled it and will give a play through review on my new opinion. Happy forging in Reach keep it up.
  4. E max

    E max Forerunner

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    This is amazing in fact just having 3 maps in one! Veary creative and i like the fact that there is three difrent difuctly levels. I hate when i download a puzzle and its eather way too hard or way too easy, this map shall suite me just fine and it's a sure download! 5*

    Heres the link to your file share. But fix link please!
    #4 E max, Sep 5, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2010
  5. Jmen77

    Jmen77 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for all the good feedback by the way links fixed :)
  6. Guurenj03

    Guurenj03 Forerunner

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    I downloaded your map, and I got the easy skull easily and I am now lost as to any other path and btw is this map meant for 1 person or more then 1?
  7. Jmen77

    Jmen77 Ancient
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    it doesnt matter the more people the easier it is to get the skulls
  8. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    But, It is possible to complete this puzzle with one player correct?
  9. Jmen77

    Jmen77 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yes every oddball can be earned wether your single player or multiable players
  10. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Yea, I know.
    I beat it.

    I actually loved this concept: The idea of being able to choose how you beat the map gives a very 'sandbox' feel to the map.

    however, Given the amount of effort put into this and then the number of objects that were simply cast aside, you could have done a whole lot better executing this idea.

    I definitely encourage another version featuring more actual challenges.
    Also, since this is an 'adventure' map you could have expanded the bounds to which the player had to explore.
    Use the outside bounds of sandbox.
    Use more of the skybubble.
    Hell, build something on one of the guardian towers.

    You want a player to spend time on these maps and feel the need to come back to them. The multiple ways to accomplish the goal objective helped, but the fact that everything about this map is tightly knit makes it incredibly simple.

    You talked about difficulty and not liking things too hard, but a puzzle map doesn't have to be hard to be interesting.
    Especially one of this caliber.
  11. Jmen77

    Jmen77 Ancient
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    i know i know i wish i could of done more but i couldnt ive tried to perfect this and this is closes but wait until reach cause it will be bigger and better and maybe more complex i know what u mean by actuel challenges and stuff but think of this map as a test map of the concept to see how it will work out also when i make a new one it will have maybe better challenges but i want a newbie halo in general to look at a map like this and saw wow that was fun but still easy but not too easy so i know what your saying and when Reach comes out expect more of these puzzle bigger better faster stronger never over :p

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