This is for you, grim <3 the concept of my map is to take the song chocolate rain to a literal sense. in this game, chocolate flavored zombies rain upon the humans as they spread death with their rocket launchers and concussion rifles. the humans must survive the onslaught of raining confection using their evade to dodge the rockets. right before the landing where the zombies hit the ground is a teleporter. there are 4 receiver nodes at the top of the tower and 2 receiver nodes that lead to the player's death (i might just make it 2 and 2 as to hinder from unplayable falling speeds). BEHOLD THINE PICTURES OF WIN... loadout camera: human spawn: zombie spawn:
well the humans have 200x damage resistance and 2x overshields. zombies CAN be killed in mid-air though so you have the choice to headshot them with your pistol or dodge their attacks.
I like the idea, it sounds kind of like the custom game halo 3. where you had to race the mongoose to the end before getting sniped. You just took out the mongooses and made the people stationary. I am going to download and try it out to see if i like it. Is it point based? or.. how do you win
try having some safe havens on the floor, and give the zombies concussion rifle secondary, so they have to knock the people out of the haven, then kill them
ROFL. I did the cones on the floor. Yay! Disclaimer: In order to prevent this from being spam I am adding this completely pointless disclaimer that also says I like the map and concept.