
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Jakisthe, Aug 23, 2011.

  1. Jakisthe

    Jakisthe Forerunner

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    A map which I've been thinking about for a while...A smaller map with the most interesting sightlines I could where the other weapons on the map would be fought over. And one, of course, seeing as this is one of my creations, one which heavily features vertical play :p

    The isometric view of the map.

    After the humans lost their experimental reactor because no one fought for it, they didn't lose hope...they streamlined the process, and upon coming across some Forerunner artifacts (which appear with alarming regularity), decided to try again to funnel their power into a source they could use. This time, the plant would be more fortified, more shielded, more symmetric. And thus, after a stunningly short construction period, Chiral was built in a seaside canyon. With the new power of human ingenuity and the latent energy of the artifacts, surely this would fare better...

    2x DMR, 40 sec respawn, 1 extra clip
    2x Needle Rifle, 40, 1
    2x Shotgun, 90, 0
    2x Needler, 70, 1
    2x Grenade Launcher, 80, 3
    2x Plasma Repeater, 40, 2
    2x Spiker, 35, 2
    2x Plasma Pistol, 30, 2
    2x Magnum, 30, 2
    1x Fuel Rod Gun, 150, 0
    1x Sniper Rifle, 118, 1 [20 second initial spawn]
    1x Gravity Hammer, 120, 0 [40 second initial spawn]
    4x Frag Grenades, 30
    4x Plasma Grenades, 30
    4x Health Packs, 40

    The view from the top

    View from team spawns across middle. Top level visible

    The middle level

    The lower level. Visible at the 6 and 2 o clock positions are the "dumps"

    The blue "dump". Teleporter leads to upper level facing the blue side.

    The supports and lower core the dumps lead to.

    The shotgun spawn in the tunnel parallel to the lower level. Opaque floating shield visible.

    And that, as they say, is that. Give it a shot! Any and all comments are welcome. Also my 5k submission.
    #1 Jakisthe, Aug 23, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2011
  2. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    this map confuses the crap out of me! @.@
    not a bad map though
  3. Jakisthe

    Jakisthe Forerunner

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    It's much easier to understand when in motion! Like most of my maps u___u

    And if it's not, just tell me what I can improve ^_^
  4. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    I am hesitant to post this because I have not been able to get a game on this map, but I will give a little feedback and try and edit my post when I have got a game on this. My first initial thought for this map, and trinity was that it looks like so many random objects thrown together. IMO, the play space just seems too cluttered, and not believable. If I could give you any suggestion, just from the pictures, I would say that you should try and step away from the floating aspect of random objects, and try and construct an arena that looks like it could be part of the game. Does that make since? Anyways, I would not mind getting a game on this and telling you my thoughts. Hit me up on XBL(availablemoth)and maybe I can get a game on this with you and give you some better feedback.
  5. Jakisthe

    Jakisthe Forerunner

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    Hmm. I do have a penchant for making everything too small...but I really do draw these out beforehand. Maybe just my forging style!
    Of course, part of that style is putting gameplay before absolutely everything in a map.

    Aesthetics, believeability, they're all for naught if the gameplay isn't perfect. If I can change anything to better the game, it's going in, even if the aesthetics are worse. Hence why I have stuff like:

    -the gaps between those two corner bridges; to keep those tunnels open and difficult to camp by allowing a way to shoot in, as well as laying potential booby traps by tossing a PG on the jump pad.
    -the angled cubes in the middle; besides cover and more control coming down, they also allow for some interesting bank shots with the sniper
    -The arches over the two bases; to help guide the grenades/GLs instead of simply wasting them if the positioning is right
    -The admittedly hideous floating plates; to give more cover which can be passed thru (no flow interruptions), but can't be seen thru so it's harder to camp. The ones in the middle are high enough to give cover against headshots, but the legs are still open and you won't know where you're being shot from. The ones in the tunnels mean that as you get closer to the shotgun, guns will be useless, turning it into a full melee fight unless you get up on the angles of the wall, thus farther away from the shotgun...not a straight rush
    -the B-rounds to have a reprieve in, but the singular exit means it better be worth it since it's harder to get out than in...
    -the FRG to have a highly visible power weapon which wasn't really made for super close ranges (as it can skip if you try to hit their feet from so close), but not as far as the sniper

    And so on, and so on, for every part of the map.

    ...Course, I also think this looks at least a little believable as a small scale power station, but I am obviously biased :p

    But, far more importantly, THANK YOU! For whatever reason, I get feedback very rarely, but now I can finally fix what needs fixing.
    #5 Jakisthe, Sep 11, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2011
  6. jake man

    jake man Forerunner

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    good map but u need some more power wepons like put in another grav hammer take out a needle rifle

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