I took this at ghost town with the juicy effect on. I have to do it on slayer in order to get the color of the person. I bet your thinking no crap right. Well yea..... Right this picture can be found Here
thats cool! I like how it has that sunset effect and even the buidling behind him looks like a shrine. Great job man!
China Pshhhhh. Japan,hong kong, tokyo WOOT! Ive been to all the places of the above Anyways keep up the good work!
It does have sort of a chinese feel to it. The building, trees and mountain fit in really well to the surroundings. Good pic
Where's the Hayabusa helmet!? Oh well, it still looks very, very, very awesome. Especially with the Juicy FX.
by the way vanish you can point out all the stupid things in a pic but the only point of this shot is to make it look like china
2008 olympics woohoo! it does look like china with the vegetation and mountains and thee shrine lookin thing =p great screenshot!
I forgot the hayabuse helmet. O TEH NOESSSS. lol i just figured security cause the visor color goes with the feeling I guess.
Agreed the surroundings give it a Chinese feel with the trees, buildings, and mountains! Really nice picture, nice pose as well! 5/5!
Ghost town isnt jsut for screenshots as some people say, its actually pretty good for maps, you should check out pirates support ghost town thread if your intrested.