Thanks for the feedback. As for updates...there is no real reason to change much of anything around so all I will be doing is adding links for two different gametypes to this post. I didn't rush this map it just doesn't take me long to make this stuff. I think the only thing I would do for KoTH is remove the rocket but other than that everything would stay as is. Again, thank you for the good review...I feel the map is pretty well put together and easily tweaked for multiple gametypes.
looks sorta dull. elimate all the open space and un-cram certain areas. basicall- some areas are WAY too open, others are way to closed and need some breathing room.
So basically you want me to balance the open vs closed spaces like I already have but only differently, but like I have them...only like you want them? Thanks. I don't want people camping with shotties all day and would like to incorporate BR and snipe into the map more. Have you DL'd and played it or are you going off the pics? Thanks.
ATHEOS23x chill.. you asked for constructive criticism and youve snapped at everyone who gave you any..
You should look into the FH Conquest gametype. It's a Territories variant for close-quarters battle. It could work really well with the final Territory being in the tunnel...
Constructive criticism is hardly what you've given. You looked at pics and didn't dl to even try the map. You have been going through posts knocking everyone's maps. And I have only snapped at you.
Dude this map looks so sick, I've qued it for download and I'm pretty excited about looking at this map.
Thanks for all the comments guys. Someone comeback after they have played it and tell me what you think. I'm working on what I consider to be a much better map right now. It should be out this week and I think you guys will love it. TONS of interlocking and great aesthetically.
What's the ETA on those "coming soon" gametype updates? Don't tell me I'm gonna have to get off my lazy ass and do it myself...