This is definitely one of teh most terrible stories that I've ever heard....mehhhhh...I hope that my mom doesn't stick me in a freezer... wait, why no ***????
wow, the smell must have bin extremely putrid, 20 YEARS in the freezer, and i thought the cat story was bad. some people are just ****ed up in the brain
Maybe she didn't like pizza and was saving her 3 babies for a special occasion. But still she must be crazy to be able to kill 3 of her own and freeze them, HORRIBLE!
I was going to comment on this topic, but I just found it so disturbing, I couldn't think of my own opinion...and I guess that is all I have to say? No it's not, FblamCK THAT BblamTCH! WTF OMG THAT IS FblamCKED UP! Thinking about it just infuriates me...
I have totally given up on humanity.... People are just so screwed up nowadays that this kind of stuff is becoming more common. I think it is sickening.
c'mon people Wow, Im really astonished. I would never predict so may people would reply to a story such as this. However, I was hoping for more serious replies than "OMG how the hell can anyone do that??? She aint right man!". Yes, keeping dead babies in freezers is pretty out of the norm, but every human mind has thoughts or impulses such as those. It's just the select few that actually have the juevos to carry out such an act. You can't tell me you have never thought of killing someone, especially a relative. You would say, "yes I have thought those thoughts once or twice in the past, but I would never kill a person, that's just wrong". Whatever. If you really think about it, there is no right and wrong. No good or bad. Only laws. EDIT: Im not replying in this thread anymore. I don't feel the need to.
I have never thought about killing a relative... Maybe another person but not my family. This story is sick. I can only imagine how those kids felt when they discovered it. Hope the babiees where dead wwhen they got putted there...