You've seen maps similar to this? I haven't. So to me, this is very original, simple, and lots of fun. It's nice for the not so large parties because you only need 4 people (and that's the usual size of my parties). Edit - Oops i accidentally pressed enter or somethin so the post is shorter than what is was gonna be. Continueing... Because of the small requirements of people I will actually download because I usually don't get big parties to play with so this is perfect. For improvements maybe fix the wall (i can't tell if it's nice and straight from the pics so I will check that out in game), but the anti-camp system is good. Keep up the good work.
Not with the way the gametype curently works. I would have to change the driver to the non-VIP, and change the scoring... I'm not sure how to do it, though. Somehow, when 1 VIP is left, the round ends. Anyone know how to do that?
Wait, it should work with your current gametype, all you have to do is edit the map. Make two-four more bases, or be really risky and make 6 more, so you could have an insane 16 player match =P. If you want me to help test that out with you, you can reach me today anytime after 5:30 P.M. central time.
Congrats on gettin this posted Hum! Great map and gametype I was one of the early testers. I recommend this map and gametype if ur board!
Wow looks like a lot of fun .. But in the middle of the map you should put down obstacles to make it harder to drive around .. I really like the spawns too =]
I know the map was meant to be plain, but maybe scaterring a couble immovable wire spools and crates would spice up the gameplay.
Good for a smaller party, though perhaps you could make a v2 for a larger party? 4v4 would probably be fun, and possibly very hectic
After a single session, Chicken Fights has become one of my favorite mini-games (but I couldn't stop at one). It is very original and straight forward. Excellent idea with the shotgun and BR by the way, as they add the need for strategy. I wonder how spike or plasma grenades would have worked out though. The only thing I ask for from this map is for the shield doors to be titlted a little because I got stuck on it bouncing quite a few times. Final score: 5/5