Chessbox Created by Zoy [br] Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer, Crazy King, Infection, Oddball, CTF[br] Map Description Chessbox is recommended for 2-4 players. It’s a vertically-oriented map which takes up about a quarter of the available space on Foundry. Chessbox features numerous bridges and ramps which are carefully positioned to provide maximum flexibility for precise jumping techniques to get to any other area of the map at very high speeds. The arrangement of corridors, corners, overlooks, and shield doors provide ample opportunities for ambushes, close-quarters battles, pursuits and quick escapes. At the same time, these features are situated with several zones of wide open space, where battle rifles and snipers become a serious factor to consider. [br][br] There are four levels in Chessbox, but they can be described in terms of High areas and Ground-level areas. In the High areas, there are three main perches – labeled A, B, and C in the accompanying photos. All three areas are excellent sniping/BR positions, but fusion coils make them vulnerable to long-range attacks from their other two counterparts. High Points A and B can both be approached/escaped by two ramps, or escaped by quick jumps to lower areas. High Point C is only accessible by a grav lift, which can be briefly destroyed (with a 10 second respawn time). [br][br] The distinctive central feature of the High areas is The Chute, an angled double open box which leans against a horizontal double open box. Their angled meeting point provides two exits to the Ground Level. [br][br] Ground Level is a largely wide-open area thanks to the the High area structures being suspended in midair. It is divided by a few open box hallways, and a few strategically located shield doors. Close-range fighting can be fast and furious in these areas, with numerous opportunities for players on the losing end of a battle to buy more time by dashing through a shield door or around a corner; the tables can be turned with well-placed grenades. [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Panoramic view from High Point C. The only way up here is via a grav lift which respawns 10 seconds after being destroyed. A nice place to snipe from, if no one’s aiming at the fusion cores next to you. [img width=496 height=800][/img] [br] Panoramic view from High Point A. Two ramps lead up to this point. There is an escape jump to a lower room if things get too hot. Right click and "view image" to see at full size. [img width=800 height=157][/img] [br] Panoramic view from High Point B. Two ramps lead up to this point. If you’re being closed in on, a quick jump will take you directly to Ground Level and the protection of open boxes and shield doors. Right click and "view image" to see at full size. [img width=800 height=181][/img] [br] Panoramic view from Ground Level beneath High Point A. If your mid-long range skirmish takes a turn for the worse, step behind a shield door. [img width=800 height=229][/img] [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Chessbox has been set up and tested primarily for Slayer variants, Crazy King, and Infection variants. (There is a CTF arrangement, which could provide for some lightning-quick battles – however, my usual group of friends doesn’t play much CTF, so I can’t guarantee that it’s perfectly balanced. Let me know how it works if you try CTF!) [br][br] Thank you for trying out Chessbox! Thanks to MaiPenRai, Lomi Lomi and BenFreaky of ¡¡¡Crieve Hall Gang!!! for helping me test this map. And look for us online! [br] Download Chessbox here! [br]
The panoramas are tidied up a bit now. In my defense I hastily threw them together by hand rather than using auto stitching software. Funny, I work professionally as a compositor but I should have expected more critical eyes here. Anyhow, I'd appreciate it if you'd critique the map as closely as the images.
anyway yeah the screenshots aren't realy giving me the right feel i think you should have just left them the way they were, and you should flip the bridges upside down to give it a better look and make it smother. is there anything that would make you go to the lower levels because it just seems like it wouldn't be used that much also are the main weapons snipers?. but it looks like a preety solid map.
Thanks for the tip on the bridges! I'll do that. There's actually a wide variety of weapons (although no dual-wielding weapons aside from Brute Spikers.) I kind of had in mind the sort of "variety pack" style that Bungie sets as defaults for most of their maps. As for incentive to go to the lower levels, that's where you can find equipment, a sword, a rocket and a brute shot, as well as additional BRs. It can also be a less obvious area to snipe from, at people who are perched on the High positions. Actually the way it tested to begin with, I felt like people were spending a bit too much time down there, so I made some adjustments. I usually play with a "mixed" party (big range of skill levels) so I'm curious as to how more advanced, tactically-minded players will approach this map.