BIP, BAP, BAM!! Started working on a new map and its about 90% structurally done! Not gonna write anything, Im gonna let 2 images tell the story. Rollover for realisation... [mouseoverimage=""][/mouseoverimage] MOAR IMAGES!!! Overview Top/Rocket Spawn Looking up to top from wraith spawn Looking from Blue Base across the map
Wow, are you planning like a whole series of maps based off of ODST or something because this looks just as good as your last one.
ODST is pro, and this looks good. Since it's not completely....complete, I hope to see some more structures added in since it's a bit bland looking to be honest, but also at the same time, we're only seeing the courtyard of the area, not the entire map. It just seems a little to spacious, you know what I mean? Still, it's a great remake of an ODST map. Keep it up!
Nice. I was going to try my hand at this map too, but you've done a far better job so far than I could've hoped for. I loves me ODST, so I look forward to seeing this completed. I think that if the budget allowed a cityish backdrop made from wall and window pieces would fit nicely, as many ODST maps revolve around the city theme. Maybe it isn't practical, and maybe the budget doesn't allow for it, but I look forward to this map either way!
Awesome. I remember when I was with you forging this. Y u delete mah sniper tower? Can't wait for this to be released, looks like invasion slayer will play best.
I could stick 343 Guilty Spark up my butt and make a better map than this... No, but seriously this map looks very bacon. It looks very faithful to the original. I'm interested in exactly how you're setting it up ie: red base up top and blue base at wraith spawn? Or red base at one balcony, blue at the other? Either way, this looks really great.
Here are some answers... It has enough down below but if it goes further up it it has less room. Balances the wraith a bit otherwise it would dominate. Nope. Nope. I actually have had the idea of a race map based of Coastal Highway for a while so if I ever build that Ill probably release an ODST map pack. This is where testing comes in. Im gonna stick true to the layout for know but if it requires more cover then I will add. To budget draining. Soz, would look good though. Yeah probsa gonna delete that. Thanks bro! Took up too much budget! And yeah never though of Invasion slayer but I will definately think about it more now. Starting spawns either side. You'll see soon, Ill add an overview later today. Also candied, jack daniels covered bacon is better (EpicMealTime reference). TL;DR MOAR PICTURS L8ER!
Mate, it's not accurate. There are no phantoms in your version. The colours all look wrong. What is with the mountains in the background of yours? There is obviously no mountains in the ODST version. You haven't even taken the time to plant palm trees! ;P Pretty cool stuff going down though.
Know what Crypto, I think I might make a coastal highway/rat's nest remake... yes, I will combine them! I hope it works. Btw, this looks pretty badass, I loved the campaign on ODST, just never bought it because it was a waste of money for me seeing as it would have only been 3 maps and a new campaign for 60 bucks. Might buy it now though.
Wow! That looks really nice. The updated pictures offer a far better overview of the map, and I have to say I think CTF would play really well here. Cover on the streets looks scarce though, as firefight drop zones were often open in ODST, but in competitive, it looks iffy. I suppose I can't be sure till the map is completed and tested, and from what I see it looks promising.
This looks awesome man. I really like what you have going here. I also didn't even think of remaking anything from ODST. Looking forward to the release.