I dont usually like games where you have to make up the rules but this is a very creative idea. Who would of thought to play chess with halo?
Really great idea. but relys on honor rules too much. If there were some sort of chess on Halo 3 that didnt have honor rules, I'd definetely download it.
Why do you not think of me as the "chess type?" I'm offended. I'll have you know I co-founded my highschool's Chess Club. Until me and my friend Jose came around, my highschool didn't have one. Not only that, but other schools in the district took from our example and started their own. So now there are school tournaments and what not. Well, hopefully there still is, I don't know what they're doing with it now. Anyway sorry, back on topic, this is the Chess board Furious mentioned. Don't know who made it, but you can easily remake it yourself from this screenshot. I think this works a lot better than having spawn points make up half of the board. No offense.