this is my map Checkmate and it is used for playing chess and can only be played in forge the board and pieces are half covenant and half human the pieces go down as follows HUMAN King-Warthog, Queen-Gausshog,Rook- Human turret,Knight- Mongoose, Castle- Teleporter, Pawn's- Fusion Coil's COVENANT King-Chopper, Queen-Hammer, Rook-plasma turret, Knight- Ghost Castle- Shield door, Pawn's - Active camo and Custom power ups also the covenant board side of the map might get confusing so take a look at it and see if you think you'll be able to fix it or make it look better if you can the board
Very new idea.. sounds fun, but making it rely on honor rules usually doesn't work out.. I like the concept though.
This looks like a lot of fun, but yeah the honnor rules are bound to be broken. I must say I do feel like a nerd for downloading a board game in Halo I could easily go play myself but this looks like fun. Nice work.
well your really just playing chess in forge, i guess you could cheat but it would be kind of hard, dont you think?
when the point of the game isnt even to rack up points I doubt the one other person you asked to play chess (who actually accepted) would really want to cheat think about it
I agree, two players, who both decided to play should be no problem. When you play chess on a real board you can throw the pieces wherever you want too, but usually you'd just play normally, or not play at all.
The other person would obviously see the person cheating...If they disagreed, watch the vid after the game is over or something.
I was waiting for someone to do this. Very good engineering. I can't because i'm not that smart. Im downloading, I just have no one to play with. I dont even think my friends know what chess Send me a friend request if anyone wants to play this map.
how do i have a feeling if i tried this with practically anyone it would end with half the board gone and us hitting each other with double boxes....
I hate to do this, but I've seen a chess board on Foundry that looks better. It was all on upside-down double boxes because they have grids on the bottom. Pawns for one side were fusion coils and the other side had barrels. I don't remember the other pieces. I just joined my two friends in Forge one day and they're both there playing chess! It was great. I wouldn't even have thought of them as the chess type. Anyway, I'm glad you made a board too. Suggestion: If you ever play, set the game to invite only. You never know when some jerk will show up and start deleting things.
wow well that game yesterday didnt end out that much different did it lol :squirrel_rubberduck: and yea other than this map being epic confusing its really cool
All i can ask is if you could maybe make a checker board for us who have no idea how to play chess, srry cant help me im stupad :squirrel_wtf:
I think the issue is one side of the board is just made up of spawn points. I don't see how you can place anything there. Plus warthogs and such are too big for a single space.
I thought rooks and castles were the same thing... I think your 'rooks' are usually called bishops... just FYI. Nice idea, though.