*Check Point* Players:As many as you can get. Type:Infection. Timeose it matter? Made by:IxXROADKILLXxI aka FoUnDaTioNz. Hello again to who ever is viewing. As of now i want to share a map with you that i recently finished and tested. And for this map, I made it easier for zombies to move around better than i ever did in other recent maps i designed in the past. Now this map/game game play wise is not all that different than the other maps i made before, but with one exception, faster pace game-play! With the use of the teleporters and man-cannons, zombies can use it for a more efficient faster way to get to the humans and get the bloody job done right. Now as for the humans, this means its only harder than before. But i can still promise you a great game-play experience regardless. Story: OK so lets use our imagination for this one. ill make one up my self just because we can do that lol. So your a small convoy of survivors of the zombie Apocalypse in the city's behind, following the road to the evac zone with the next city ahead, only to notice that the only tunnel to the next city is closed for qruantine purposes. You and the convoy stop to look around the warehouse next to the close tunnel while you suddenly notice zombies running at you from behind the convoy. What next? Up too you. You decide where you want to go or do. want to camp? Than camp. Want to hunt the zombies down? Than hunt them down. Want to hind? Well you get the idea. Point is, that this game is just a normal zombies game like any other. Just kill each other until the end of the round comes. Its simple. gametype: easy to explain. It is the same exact settings as the infestation's game-type i have. Fast low gravity, one shot zombies kill human with human weapons on a big map that just looks crazy. Not much i can say other than kill each other. As for the weapons, their all human guns and have limited ammo. Map: I'm sure you were waiting for me to get here finnialy. The map is what i call a big bunker of randomness, except its not really a bunker, but is what i more like call it, a warehouse. Why? I have no idea. Lets just use are imagination for that question. The map is a large map with multiple levels and enough weapons placed for everyone to get something. *Check Point* includes 1 turret and 1 mongoose. Now for the zombies to use, the map has 7 "items". These items and 4 teleoporters, and 3 man-cannons for the zombies use to get across the map in a fast and easy fashion. I mean who what to walk a non epic unpleasant walk across the map only to be killed when u get to the destination you want to go? Not me, and thats me saying it with pride. with out these items, being a zombie would be a whole lot of "I feel like quiting now". Not the less, I'm sure it would help if i told you where it was located. ill show this with pictures and explain. [/URL] Here is the man canonns that the zombies fly up to to get to the roof. USE THEM. [/URL] This is 2 out of the 4 teleoporters the zombies use to get to varies parts of the map. The other two are in the same place on the other side of the wall. USE THEM. Pictures: Finally here we go with the map looks. Hope its enough to attract your DL. [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] So there you have it, *Check Point*. Game-type - Infestation. Thank You Forge Hub!
Hmmm I saw some pretty nice ascetics there... And from the pics, it doesn't look as much like a bunker as your others maps have. Variety FTW! When I get my xbox back (parents=douches), I'll try it out. Also, it looks like the zombies can be camped easily. Not sure though, I didn't find that answer in your post.
Ah ! i for got to talk about the zombie respawns. Well the respawns are located around the building. Closer toward the man cannons and teleoporters
Looks fun. The walkways look really nice and all the interlocking is good too. I do have a question though. In testing did the mongoose really work? Most of the time poeple in mongooses get mollywopped unless they have rockets. I can't really criticize it until I get live and download.