Really good map.This is all i have to say u gotta post ur maps on forged dude.and another thing this map has no interocking so that is the only thing keeping me from giving u a 5/5.Ps u never invite me to test Nice u got a sexy sure u miss ur smexy rocket Woot 62 people in the group We lost the clan match yesterday.anyways this is a really great still a bit sad though that u didnt inwite me to help make it or test it
i can play in 2 weeks, and then not for a while after that, i shall post my maps on forged, and i miss my rocket launcher, but snipers are cool too. and your never on when i'm testing otherwise i would invite you
they weren't supposed to control it, but they were supposed to be intergrated into the map in a way that is fair and balanced.
thank you, your the first person who liked the fact that there was no interlocking, which says quite a bit about our forging standards these days...
The map looks well organized and put together. I don't think that interlocking is necessary, in fact some of these over interlocked maps look a little foolish. Interlocking should only add to the game play other than that it is just fluff so that people think that they are cool. (admittedly I too had a over interlock phase myself.)
Map looks good. I would remove warthogs though as there isn't alot of room for them to move around. Ghosts would be better.
Actually that map is VERY interlocked. There's Geo Merging too so you were quite wrong. EDIT: I just read some more posts and you guys are PATHETIC! People are rating this map low just because he only interlocked when neccesary. He doesn't have to interlock EVERYTHING! Jesus guys, come ON! He didn't go overboard, how can you interlock those huge walls anyway? Has Forge Hub sunk this low? Be ashamed.
lol thank you sushi, hopefully i won't get anymore posts about the lack of interlocking. and there is geo merging which i am very proud of because it goes into 2 walls! of course to some of the better forgers like Furious and LIGHTSOUT this is probably easy to accomplish, but to someone like me it's a real achievement.
yeah its a real shame this map doesn't get enough respect at the amazing gameplay. Not only is it symmetrical but it has the city scape theme going for it and the sheer scale of it is impressive. i cant wait to get a 4v4 game going on this map it will be epic.
Plus, little bumps are never noticed in-game while attempting to dodge sniper-fire. PS: I broke this map. In a small, insignificant way, for it was only a shortcut but Ivory didn't want that to happen so yeah...
nice effort -check out my map killtacular V1- its virtually better than every slayer type map on this sight
I'm glad I finally got to this. I must say the map is very decent, however not the most original ever. Also, I have had a problem with shield door camping. Other than that, it is a great map and you obviously put a lot of time into it.