
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Iv0rY Snak3, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Link To Download-
    Gametypes: CTF, Team Slayer, Assault
    Recommended Party Size: 8-12

    the inspiration for this map came after play testing BA Tangos map, Overshot. i liked the way he had managed to implement vehicles into gameplay successfully without making them instant death traps to use, or letting them completely control the map. i have tried to use vehicles in the same way here, but make the focus almost entirely on using them, or destroying them.

    Chasm uses up the main area of foundry (not the back areas), is almost completely symmetrical and based around vehicle usage. The main scenic features are the three main walls which divide the map up, and the platforms connecting them to each other and the ground. there is also a bit of movable scenery around the place which is fun to run into with the warthog.
    basically there is three walls are 7 single boxes long, and there is a gap about 3 single boxes long at each end for the vehicles to drive through. the walls alternate so that you have to go all the way along the wall to get past it. however, if you are on foot, you have 2 options:

    1. walk along the ground- this is more dangerous because of the vehicles driving around, but is made easier by the inclusion of a single box open in the centre wall allowing you to cut through (there is a shield door preventing vehicles from passing through, you could cut past the back of your base wall and run from there after dropping down off the box

    2. walk up to, and across the top of the walls- this is a bit safer because you won't get splattered, chances are your opponents without vehicles will take the same route.

    the layout is quite simple, and easy to get used to, but it works well so i decided to keep it that way instead of unnecessarily complicating things.

    the weapons on map are

    2 sniper rifles (90 sec respawn 1 spare clip)
    1 rocket launcher (150 sec respawn 1 spare clip)
    1 spartan laser (150 sec respawn)
    2 brute shots (60 sec respawn 2 spare clips)
    8 BR's (45 sec respawn 2 spare clips)
    2 smg's (30 sec respawn 2 spare clips)
    2 plasma rifles (30 sec respawn)
    1 needler (60 sec respawn 2 spare clips)
    2 spikers (30 sec respawn 2 spare clips)
    4 carbines (45 sec respawn 2 spare clips)


    2 trip mines (60 sec respawn)
    1 bubble shield (60 sec respawn)
    1 power drain (90 sec respawn)
    1 regenerator (60 sec respawn)
    spike grenades and plasma grenades

    Vehicles: each team starts with a warthog and chopper with shorter than usual respawn times (i can't remember how long exactly)

    Weapon placement: each team starts with 2 BR's a brute shot and 2 duals (either spikers or smg's). there is a sniper on a platform at the end of the walls next to the bases, and a carbine on either side of the central fencebox/double box open. on top of each of the base walls is a trip mine and a Br and on the bridges connecting them to the central wall, there is a plasma rifle and in the centre, two plasma grenades. the regenerator, needler and spartan laser can along the top of this wall and the bubble shield is on the small platform hanging off it. at the base of the central wall is an open single box holding the rocket launcher, on each side of this is a br and a little further on down the length of the wall is another open box with a shield door through it and a plasma rifle on each side of the shield door. that is the basic weapon layout, grenades are just scattered evenly across the platforms and walls.



    the rocket launcher spawn


    one of the bases (on the left) and the sniper spawn (right in front of the wall)


    the other base.

    [​IMG] the central wall and the platform hanging off it.


    the back way around the base wall, it leads to a set of duals.


    the platforms connected to the base walls.


    a view of the centre of the map.


    the bridges connecting the top of the three walls.


    using the laser.


    and people said trip mines weren't effective...


    the reason why i chose the chopper.

    that is it for screenshots.

    i tried to make the map as balanced as possible (not hard when it is symmetrical) and i think i have achieved that, big games of CTF are great on this map, but slayer is still fun. the map has little interlocking in it, because only used when necessary, and there is no interlocking on the walls so that they are as long as possible. thanks to BA tango for the inspiration for a vehicle based map, and to good whale sushi for helping place the random bits of scenery and to everyone who helped test. that's pretty much it, Here is another link for download, and enjoy!
    #1 Iv0rY Snak3, Apr 16, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2008
  2. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    Yay, I helped make this map (A little bit, nothing important) and I have to say the layout is really good! (Why wasn't I invited to the testing? :( )
  3. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    i would have invited you to testing, but it was midnight last night so you weren't on and i wanted to have it out as soon as possible. and i shall edit it to include your help.
  4. HaloFan321

    HaloFan321 Ancient
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    It looks fine, however, my que is full. I'll get back to it later.
  5. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    ok thats fine, i hope you enjoy it, i spent 2 entire days on it.
  6. BA_Tango

    BA_Tango Ancient
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    The vehicular map is very good indead, allows for mutliple action but not giving vehicules the advantage or the humans advantage. That what makes vehicular maps a success. Good job. Even though you are trying to make a map without interlocking, I suggest you do so to make the gameplay even more smoother on some parts.

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
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    this looks great even though there was no interlocking it looks like it flows well I will check out when I can =D
  8. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    where exactly would it make it smoother?
  9. BA_Tango

    BA_Tango Ancient
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    When you are running across the top of the map, you end up bumping around cause the boxes are not connected to create a smooth pathway. This will effect the aiming or gameplay somewhat, but not a big deal. Sometimes a little bit of interlocking helps gameplay in a long way.
  10. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    i see how that would help but as i said in my original post
    and that is why i am not interlocking them.
  11. Hashmeer

    Hashmeer Ancient
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    not bad 4/5
  12. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    i like that you like my map but please don't spam
  13. Ulric114

    Ulric114 Ancient
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    i like your map because of the diffrent elevations on the map. great 5/5
  14. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    I just took a forge through with a friend of mine and i have to say right now i am extremely impressed. One thing i felt was lacking on foundry was a good medium-symmetrical vehicle map. Most importantly the catwalks were all well placed giving real good moving room for infantry. My only negative comment would be the a few weapon placements like the energy rifles and regenerator could be moved around or hi-lighted through aesthetic but i love where the trip mines are. excellent map 5/5
  15. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    If its on Foundry not interlocked, its not a real map.
  16. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Thanks Vicious Vice, and Lok x ChAoS x parts of it are interlocked, i just didn't interlock the walls for a specific reason, please read the description before posting your comments next time, and who says a map HAS to have interlocking anyway? some of the earlier featured foundry maps didn't have interlocking but they are still great fun to play on, so please don't judge a map on whther it has interlocking or not.
  17. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    I remember you telling me about this vehicle map and I gotta say this looks great.
  18. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    thanks man, i hope that i don't get any more comments on the interlocking, or lack there of, of this map.
  19. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    idk it seems like its *blah*
    theres no interlocking and its just a simple 2 base strutcture

    Yo should definatly go for a V2 and try some new stuff
  20. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    i already explained the interlocking, and as for simple i said i wanted to keep most of it relatively simple so that you were physically able to drive a warthog around, there will not be a version 2 because i have no money left and i didn't use FMGC.

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