Chaos Speedway by: iAPACHE Description: This is the deadlist race map mainly on the monuvorability. If you drive fast all the way around you need good reflexes and if you drive slow you better be good on the turns. I did not just name it Chaos because it was a cool name. It really is Chaos. 6-8 Players also it is best used with a 15 lap race Chaos Speedway Screenshots
Wow thats really good! clear concise and love the tunnel section, very well merged. Well done good clean circuit!
As for a race map, I don't think it is all that great, It's slightly short and pretty simple. However, as a map in general, It's ascthetics are very pleasing and the interlocking is smooth. I especially like the tunnel on the straight-away. Very nice 5/7
This map is I agree with the others the tunnel is spectacular! Well made and interlocked and so on. Will be racing this tonight!