Yeah, Umm if you guys haven't found out already, it doesn't work. I was just browsing on another forum, and with out even trying it (cause I wasn't at home) posted it up here. Kinda hoping you guys would try. Sorry bought that.
I'm just going to dash all your hopes and dreams now. No one will EVER produce a working Unlimited Items Glitch, ever. It is simple IMPOSSIBLE! Just because everyone would LIKE it to happen, doesn't mean it can actually happen. There are some things that you just CANNOT fool the game into doing, like giving you extra items, or turning Master Chief into a frog. I have a friend that mods and he guarantees that you cannot fool that part of the code, there is just no way round it. I myself have spent many an hour trying all the tricks and even coming up with ideas of my own. I even once managed to get into a situation where I placed all of a particular item on the map, it said I'd placed none on the map, but it STILL wouldn't let me place any more (Said there was "too many on map"). Now, if it wouldn't work in that scenario (Where the game itself said I hadn't placed any on the map) then there is no way in hell anyone will get around it. We will NOT get infinite items and I won't get to play as a frog, we'll just have to deal with it.