Chambers 5 of 5

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by DJ SX50, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. DJ SX50

    DJ SX50 Ancient
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    Chambers 5 of 5 {Built 055}


    Survive through these 5 chambers, or be consumed by the demon. 10-16 players, Chamber Demon variant for play, by DJ SX50.

    Its design is to play like FAT KID, but you as the player and teammates will have to progress through 5 chambers. Each chamber will contain more powerful weapons as you progress till the last chamber. First started on Foundry, but the Foundry version is completely broken in comparison to this version. Sandbox literally corrected these issues, but there were still issues afterwards when being built...

    Humans: AR, no grenades at first, color red
    Alpha: Sword, maximum shields, shield recharge off, color green
    Zombies: Sword, no shields, light green

    Demon Chamber {no changes or fixes since created}


    The chamber demon starts here, 10 seconds if jumping, 15-17 seconds to leave the chamber to chamber 1.

    Chamber 1 {changes were made by Built 055}


    Everyone spawns here near the gavity lift to chamber 2, 6 ARs to support additional ammo. 45 second wait to enter chamber 2...

    Tips: To increase time, could assassinate the alpha after dropping from its chamber, but really challenging to do. Also don't instantly go in and die, for it ruins the game...

    Chamber 2 {Changes drastically needed since created}


    When arriving, behind those barricades are BRs and Carbines, plus in the way back 1 needler. This chamber went through so many changes in structure designs, even correcting tele-block... 90 second wait to enter chamber 3.

    Tips: Needler can be useful later on, so save it for chamber 4. It is possible to assassinate alpha in chambers 2 and 3...

    Chamber 3 {chamber re-design, and fixes needed}


    Simliar setup to Chamber 2's entrance to stop tele-block. This chamber is for chucking grenades including stickies, which could be useful later on if alpha is weaken. 120 second wait to enter chamber 4...

    Tips: Can assassinate alpha from entrance, chuck a nade into entrance to get a lot of zombie kills if teammates die early.

    Chamber 4 {no changes were done till Built 055}


    The sniper chamber, for those that love to snipe. This is also where you can pick off zombies and do minor damage to the alpha from far away. Plus its the best place to use the needler from chamber 2...

    Tips: just kill...

    Chamber 5 {few changes, but nothing major}


    If played the Foundry version, this would look like the last chamber from that map but with an extra turret and Brute Shot. This is where the game takes over as FAT KID, could just sit there and continously kill off zombies. Or there is an option to restart the chambers by taking the 2-way teleporter to make things challenging, but your choice...

    Tips: If you can't kill the alpha zombie as it approaches due to it being very powerful, remove turrets and go to the left far away to weaken it and escape and survive the 4 chambers again to return back to chamber 5 and kill off alpha if it went to follow you.

    Thanks for reading and enjoy...


    Chamber Demon

    Chamber 5 of 5 latest version
  2. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    I have always hated 5 chambers soooo much. It is so boring for the zombies saying they have no shields. They die so quickly that they are not even a threat. The fat kid always dies too quickly. Every single time I join into a game and 5 chambers is being played, I immediately quit.

    You spent a whole bunch of time on this map and I don't think it will be worth it. I think you should have just gotten your own idea and made a map around that. That's what people like. Original stuff.

    Edit: I completely forgot about the needler. That is the absolute worst thing you can put in a fat kid map. If you can get a buddy and you in the last chamber you can own. Have your friend kill the zombies every second they come through and all you have to do is needler the fat kid. It will constantly shoot the fat kid backwards and quickly drain his shields. The game would go on for a long time and people would get bored and quit.
    #2 Zombie Kitten, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2009
  3. thrame

    thrame Ancient
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    creativity 7.5/10 fat kid has been done many times befoif you could interlock some of the barricades it might be a lot better otherwise is okay
    but i have enought fat kid maps right now so no thanks
  4. Powerslave

    Powerslave Ancient
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    Plus, it's all spawn killing and camping. the teleporter thing isnt such a good idea.

    (Added on to Zombie Kitten's Post)
  5. DJ SX50

    DJ SX50 Ancient
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    Hmm, was there other sandbox versions, or was it the foundry version that you hated? It's not entirely true that the alpha zombie dies quickly unless assassinated. Zombies yeah having no shields is bad, but not completely, at least there's no betrayal involved. I've tried to come up something original or new, but can't think of anything. Now the needler i've never seen a problem with it, either me using it or being attacked by it, plus in order to get more needler the buddy would have to continuously go through 4 chambers just to take out the alpha, which it wouldn't happen and eventually would die and end the game...

    Not enough money or object space to interlock some barricades, well like i said it's simliar but not a killjoy about it either...

    there's little spawn killing that happens in-game, camping has been reduce since its first creation. teleporter thing not good why?

    When the second edit was done, I had to put the teleporters in the air instead of the ground, because it would cause teleblock. Especially entering chambers 2 and 3 for that the alpha zombie would kill everyone and the game would stop due to a jerk not playing the game properly...
  6. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    See, the sad part is, Fat kid is newb infection, where kills=fun. This type of infection is hated by 90% of people. I personally haven't played a fat kid type of map in 5 months. In fact, I hate it A LOT! I love Township and The City, the best, most balanced true infection maps in existence. So, to sum this up, your forging was 6.8/10, originality 1.2/10, Gameplay 0/?, and fun factor, very low. Sorry, after playing fat kid for 10 minutes as zombie, I ain't evar goin bak!!!! No matter what map you make!!
    #6 Gollygeeanelite, Aug 14, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2009
  7. DJ SX50

    DJ SX50 Ancient
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    Well that's unforturnate, forging i can understand, originality at least it has a design than playing FAT KID on High Ground, plus your moving around instead of holding down in one place. In addition have an option to resume going through the chambers again... Gameplay, majority like it that have played within 5 month time span. Maybe FAT KID isn't the right way to explain it, but don't hammer it, there's man cannons to get alpha zombie around quicker...

    Here's a vid {its not in best quality} but it has gameplay: YouTube - Halo 3 - Chambers 5 of 5 (Knowing The Chambers)
    #7 DJ SX50, Aug 14, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2009

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