Sandbox Challenge v3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Ac3Snip3r, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Challenge v3
    Hello, this is my first map although it may not seem like it. My map is an obstacle course inspired by Flaming Ninja. This map is meant for only one person at a time, but can be played with multiple people. It definitely isn't as goos as Flaming Ninja, but then again I can't think of anything better. I have spent the entire summer on and off making this as map cheat-proof and strenuous as possible. As for the rules, all you have to do is get to the end of the map and get the oddball to win. But first you have to get past many obstacles. Many are new and unique obstacles, but I also have classics too. And now for the people who skipped down here, here are your beloved screenshots.

    This is the beginning, where you start off. The red, blue, and large columns are the checkpoints.
    This is the first obstacle. Nobody has ever made it on their first try, but once you do it a few times you will start to ace it every time.
    This is an overview of the first part of the obstacle course. Do you see the radar jammer and the grenade? What this pic doesn't show you is that you have to go up 10 stories to reach the checkpoint with only those two items.
    This is part of the jumping course, I chose tin cups because they are very cheap and hard to jump on.This will bring turmoil to your life. No one has ever completed this obstacle. I have only done it once, and I actually counted how many times it would take me to do this obstacle alone. # of times: 172. By the way I am only showing half of it.
    This is the rest of the second part of the obstacle course. Do you see the tele over by the ghost. I used that to skip the tin cup jumping obstacle so I could get action screenies past that obstacle. Don't worry though, I deleted it, so I could laugh at your misery and anguish.
    This is the mongoose section of the obstacle course along with the brute shot jump part before it. Getting the brute shot is a whole other obstacle.
    This is how you unblock the teleporter proceed though the checkpoints.


    And now for some random, action screenies.
    He toast, and burnt at that.
    Epic Leap of Faith

    And now for some common Q&A's
    Q-HOLY $%*@! You put juicy!!!!! You are screwing us all! SCREWING US!!!!IT'S BRIGHT!!
    A- What are you a vampire, go put on some shades you baby. I just like to add juicy because it brings out the full effects of the red and blue lights.

    Q- I can't land on on the T- wall. Your map is flawed.
    A- No it isn't. For people who don't know, there is a teleporter in the third pic that shoots you out to the T wall in the fourth pic. Jump and crouch into the teleporter, its called speed and momentum you 8 year old.

    Q- The teleporters are broken. Your map needs to be fixed.
    A- They are supposed to be blocked because they are checkpoints that you haven't gotton to yet.

    Q- How do you get the brute shot?
    A- Ancient Chinese secret.

    Q-How do you go up 10 stories with a radar jamar and a grenade?
    A- It's an ancient Chinese secret, figure it out yourself.

    Q- In the fifth pic, how do you get up that high?
    A- Finally a good question, the fusion coil can get you up to the machine gun turrets in the pic. The thing is, it only works for the host. This ingenious discovery can prevent people from cheating. This map was originally made to be a clan qualifier that a person would have to complete by themself. This prevents any foreign help up to that point. But anyway the main thing is that it only works for the host. If you are playing with two people, the host will have to clear the checkpoint past that obstacle.

    Q- Do I get microsoft points for winning?
    A- No, but you can have a cookie. : D

    Q- This is your first map posted. YOU BOOSTED I'M REPORTING YOU!
    A- That just means I commented on lots of maps and on the forums. I'M REPORTING YOU FOR SPAM. lols

    Well that is it. If you have any more questions I would be happy to answer your questions.
    If you find anything wrong with my map or any ways to cheat please tell me and I will edit it.
    Please tell me how you like my map in the comments or if I have left out anything when posting it. Here is my map and gametype:
    Map: : Halo 3 File Details
    Gametype: : Halo 3 File Details
    Enjoy!Your going to need all the luck you can get.

    Marx79-non m
    MIDER MI-non m
    hotshotgolan-non m
    sgmjscorp-non m
    Benzu13- member
    #1 Ac3Snip3r, Jul 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2009
  2. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    You need to add SOME motivation. I know that no one will beat my courses anyway so I put an expiration date on the microsoft points. If anyone ever DOES beat them, they most likely have devoted 100 hours of their time to beat a course and thus deserve it, NOT LIKELY. So anyway, you should do the same. You should at least put a microsoft point contest for motivation otherwise nobody will download this map, NOT EVEN ME, HAHAHAHAHA!!! Just make sure the points expire after about 2 months, making people think they actually stand a chance. Nobody will ever beat it anyway, you'll just get more downloads. ALOT more. Haha!
  3. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    All jumping maps belong in the mini-game section, please request a move or lock and make your thread there.
  4. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It isnt a jumping map, it's an obstacle course map. But I'll take your advice and ask somebody to move it. I put in a lot of unique obstacles and I hope you enjoy
    #4 Ac3Snip3r, Jul 26, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2009

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