During a special offer, I shall allow to challenge my 25 win in a row title for 1v1. You can stipulations, maps, weapons and anything you want against me.
I accept. Br Starts on blackout, weapons on map rifles No radar You choose, weather or not equipment is on the map. I get off work around 3pm central us time. Ill play you sometime after.. Be there or forever feel ashamed.
Alright, no equipment to make it old school Halo. I get home at 3pm pacific. So 4pm central is sounding good for you.us
pacific is 2 hours behind me so its 5pm my time, witch should still be good, hell for "shits and giggles" ill even broadcast the match live
This so called "master" got his butt handed to him. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStatsHalo3.aspx?gameid=451938033&player=Penguinish lol
Yeah, as I said allergies is a pain in the butt. Headaches, scratch throat. Not taking this as an excuse, but I recognize I lost fair and square. Anyways, this topic is now called... Fight 1v1 so he can achieve his goal of getting revenge on Penguinish!
Why don't you have a skill lvl of 30 yet... at first I thought you were something special with all that bosting in your post.