ChalengE MapS YouTube - ChallengE MapS A_MazE_InGlink╚> : Halo 3 File Details <╝link there isn't really a story behing A_MazE_InG. i played one of these obstacle courses and fell in love with it so, i decided to build one obstacle by obstacle i began to build days,weeks,even months apart i would think up obstacles and build them. kindof got a forgers block and havent been able to think one up for probably about 5-6 months so i think its time to make a post with it. its kindof cool you can actualy see my forging improve from the begining to the end (plus i did some patch work on older obstacles) room at spawn outside view of spawn room second obsticle third obstacle fourth obstacle (probably the hardest) overviev of the outside ChallengE, ThE CoasteR link╚> : Halo 3 File Details <╝link well it all started when i found out my roller coaster tycoon game was missing. so in detication to it i decided to make a roller coaster theemed race track and incorperate a loop. after a friday nights forging i had the loop all done. saturday morning i woke up to finish the track and realized i had used up like half my budget on the loop and on my previous race map all the feedback was that it was too short so, i had to think up somthing to raise the lap time without lowering my budget and thats where the idea of making it a challenge came into play going up the hill for the big drop the big drop the loop circley doodleys some speed bumps and a kill ball turn fusion coil jump radio antenna railroad (hardest part in my opinion) baricade road type thing overviev back overview front
The roller coaster thing looks sick. I will definetly download that. I've never been a fan of puzzle maps, but I might as well download it. Does the 360 loop actually work? If so, it'll be the first on sandbox to work. Some of these really look challenging, good job.
yes the loop works well, most of the time there have been a couple instances where someone didn't make it but, i'd say 95% of the time it works
haha i tried to make al loop yesterday, i was really proud of it and then i realised i hadn't done it right and you couldn't get off the loop
That rollercoaster trak is awesome face fun fun fun dl 4/5 considering i hate survival traks or wtevr they r
Wow i love the track/race at the end its awesome, i think you should make a race track to be honest i think you would provide some excellent ideas. 5/5
Ah man, You totally stole my idea of using a loop in a track! Oh well I'll still do one anyways lol. I'll definitely have to say the roller coaster. I want to try out that loop, cause it looks sweet. The first one on the other hand looks a little sloppy, such as uneven walls. Good job overall on both, but I'll have to download only one for now.
The first map seems a bit iffy, but the 'roller coaster' themed race map looks amazing. The loop in particular; that seems to be one of the things that challenges mapmakers. If it works well, that alone makes the map worth a DL. It might not have the cleanest lines, and I'm probably going to want to playtest, but it looks very promising. Well done. I actually have a question, are the metal supports on the scaffolds you used for the initial ramp bumpy? Because they look like they would cause quite a few bumps.
well no there not bumpy but, thats what i was trying for and i was kindof dissapointed because i wanted the whole rollercoaster vibe while you were going up you can see that its smooth in the video at top of the post
i love roller coasters!! Especially hard ones. Me and some friends will spend hours trying to get to the end. I DL'd.
Oh come on!!! I'm going to be pissed if you stole my loop idea. If it's better (which it probably is) I'm going to be even more pissed. Oh well it looks better than mine so I have to try it out. I thought I was really original when I posted my map.