My friend just discovered this wonderful thing known as Cha Cha and I had to share it with you guys! Its the answer to most of life's problems. ChaCha. Ask Away. Have you ever gotten into a disagreement with someone in a public place with no access to the internet to prove you're right? Well its no longer a problem! All you have to do is text your question to "ChaCha" (242242) and they'll answer it for you for free! (normal texting charges apply). Luckily I have unlimited texting, so I abuse this thing like no other. I was at Six Flags the other day and it looked like it was going to rain, so I asked Cha Cha what the chance of rain was there. After 5 minutes they texted me a full weather report for the area. Its amazing! I've also used it to find movie times at a local theater, and got directions to a relatives house. It's very useful. Its also fun to ask them dumb questions like "Is Jesus real?" or my favorite "How much wood could a wood chuck chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood?". They usually have clever answers ready... It isn't a scam either, I've been using it for over a month now and no additional charges have appeared on my bill. I do have unlimited texting though. Enjoy!
**** chacha, I had a job there, worked plenty of hours and didn't get payed. I shoulda gotten $10. They've changed a lot, they used to look like google and had a different set up.
Yeah, from my understanding, you can only get paid in increments of $100. But I could be mistaken. Ask Cha Cha, lol.
yeah. i too will abuse this, since i also have unlimited texts. lol. off to abuse. but yeah i heard of stuff like this and never found it. i'm sure its a hell of a lot of fun