Centervessel Download This map has been constructed over the past week and a half, not to be original (Remakes are automatically not original), but to do something that nobody has done satisfactorily in my opinion: Create a good foundry midship remake. I believe I have succeeded. Using some images from the Halo 2 Strategy guide, I was able to recreate the weapons spawns and objective placement, and by being awesome I was able to mimic enough of the geometry to make people feel like their playing midship whilst playing the map. The map is made out of almost every immovable object on foundry, along with several movable objects that have been teleporter blocked from the outside. The amount of interlocking blows the mind; roughly 95% of all of the immobiles are interlocked at least once. The result is a map that looks very smooth, plays smooth, and has very few bumps and jumps. As stated before, the H2 weapon spawns have been recreated. The result is the following weapon set: -Sword x1 -Shotgun x1 -Carbine x1 -Plasma Pistol x1 -Battle Rifle x2 -Plasma Rifle x2 -Frag Grenade x2 -Needler x4 -Plasma Grenade x6 The weapon has also been set up to H2 specifications for the following gametypes: -Slayer -Oddball -King of the Hill -Territories -Assault -Capture the Flag And now, pics: If your reading this, get on with downloading the damn map!
It looks like a nice remake. Not to a point, but you've got the main structure down, and that's what I really look for in remakes (the little details go into aesthetics). If you want me to be completely honest with you, I see some midship in your map and some improvision (apparently not a word), which was most likely do to foundry restraints. The upper half looks a tad bit too open, but I can't really tell with the pics, so I'll have to see for myself in forge. I'll be back sometime this week with an in-depth review (either forge or custom), but not tonight - I'm too tired. EDIT: After playing a game of slayer with Albyhouse, I have a few things to point out. (1) Even though it doesn't look like it from the pictures (or map itself), this does give you a very midship feel to it. Gameplay > Graphics, not matter how pretty the graphics might have been in H2. (2) The needler owns the map. Completely. I would either remove them completely (however much I like the needler), or lower the clip-size drastically. (3) The Bases (on each side) are far too low, you can jump onto them. I know this was done to compensate with Foundry's size limits, but it's a little tick of the accuracy chart. (4) I completely suck at the map, Alby dominated me. Just thought I'd add that here : )
Looks nice, but more pictures would be nice. I really like how it is not an exact remake, but it doesn't seem quite as small as the original (like all remakes). I am convince that with the tools available a perfect midship remake can't be done. There are definitely some close ones out there, but I don't think the unique gameplay can be remade until...well... Bungie remakes it for us.
wow this map has come a long way since I first seen it not two days ago, you were practically just getting started on it.. I was very impressed then, and I'm even more impressed about how fast you released this map. All in all it looks amazing and now I'll have to download and check out the final product... running
For some reason it reminds me of gears of war.... Wierd.... Nice map Kap, DLing. One thing I can say is that it would look coler if that spire made of stairs was right in the middle.
You are indeed correct about it not being possible to get a great Metalock accurate Midship remake. In the map, I used every immobile Foundry object available, except 3 teleporters and a few dumpsters. I am 100% convinced that this is the best possible midship remake. That wouldn't be midship though, would it?
You've come up with something a little your own but still midship, and made it all the better. Looks good, plays great - congrats.
Nice post. Pics look legit. Guess I'll have to give it a spin, eh? Thanks for taking on this project. It needed to be (re) done.
When I first looked at this map I hadn't read the description. I began thinking to myself "Wow, Kapura took a lot of inspiration from Midship" was at that point I realized it was a remake...and a good one at that. It looks like you've done a wonderful job with the tools that you were given. Good job.
I Dled, a few issues with the map. 1.)There is a wall corner on the map, that spawns 60 seconds into the game, as well as a teleporter reciever, just floating in the middle. 2.)Getting out is really easy. just one crouch jump, then a grenade jump. 3.)Remember that people(cheapasses like me) can chuck the oddball into places like the place where the teleporters are under the floor, to make it reset(which is always annoying. Other than that, I really like the map. Great job. I really like how the jumps from base-center/center-base work.
K, I've updated the map, removed some of the random geometry and blocked a jump out. Will be working on updating the weapons and shiz for the re-weaponry-itizing.
Well me and dom played this tonight. I found it quite fun. Gameplay was good. A couple problems then caught my eye. After i grabbed the sword and a needler i found it very easy to spawn kill dom if i sat up on the sword spawn, which is crooked btw. I could guess his spawns and throw a sticky down and kill him. I also think the needlers are overpowering. My second problem was getting out of the map. Kinda too obvious. My last problem was a fencewall jsut kinda laid diagnolly for a ramp. It looks really bad and accts terribly. You could interlock it. There was another weird thing too. Behind the stairs the little tunnel on the back side of it, whenever i walked through it, it liked vibrated.
Wow this looks really good. I was looking at the pictures first, as I usually do before reading what is it about to see whether or not I want to download it. Then as I was going down the pictures Midship kept poping into my head. After looking at the for a while I started to thinking that the pictures really remind me of Midship. =P Anyway xD Here's a download/rate/comment from me =] Looks really good =D EDIT: (Just so I know this is the Midship remake I'm going to rename it on my 360 to "Centership" =])
I thought Centervessel was obvious enough, but go ahead. In my tests, it was called "Dominion" but too many people didn't know it was a midship remake.
Haha the whole vessel bit of the name I don't like but hey =P Just like blackout, I need a piece of the original name in the remake name xD Also I have so damn many maps I will forget which one it is too easily. About 70-80 of the 100 custom slots I have are used up by foundry forges =\
I'm in the process of updating the map with a new weapon set, please leave me suggestions on what you think would work well in the geometry.