Sandbox Center Point

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by STPKM, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. STPKM

    STPKM Ancient
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    Center Point

    Hello, and welcome to the first map I've posted on Forge Hub, Center Point! This map is fairly small, symmetrical, and mainly for Neutral or Multi CTF or Assault, but also works with Team Slayer and Oddball.

    You might be asking "Why did you include Neutral Flag if it's not a gametype on Halo 3?" Well, I searched on Google and found a neat modded gametype of it. I can't link you to it because that would be against forum rules.

    I tried making this thread with Killor118's Map Post Generator, but it apparently didn't work, so I did it manually. If it turns out that the previous ones actually do work then delete those threads and not this one, please.

    This is also my first try at a serious map, so no flames please...

    Anyway, here's the weapon list:

    Battle Rifle X2 (normal respawn)
    Spiker X2 (normal respawn)
    Plasma Rifle X2 (normal respawn)
    Energy Sword (90 second respawn)
    Regenerator (90 second respawn)
    Power Drain (90 second respawn)

    There's also some Frag and Plasma Grenades around here somewhere, but I forgot how many. Silly me...

    Now for screenshots:

    Overview... sort of

    Blue Base

    Red Base

    Red Teleporter (Disregard Mauler)

    Blue Teleporter (Disregard Mauler)

    Top Middle and Sword Spawn

    Vague Bottom Overview

    Day turns to night in three minutes

    Me :)

    And last but not least, the download link, which I hope works...

    #1 STPKM, Nov 2, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2009
  2. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    This map is way too small for two maulers and one sword. Having all three present will overpower the map with those power weapons. I suggest, out of the three, you keep one. Also, don't put weapons where they are harder to reach than normal. I mean, just look at how one can get those maulers. He has to jump on a thin wedge, risking his life (in the game, lol).

    Well, as stated before, your map is too small for all these weapons. It would be much better if you would decrease the amount of each weapon or even take out a pair of whichever weapon you please.

    Overall, it is pretty good for a first map with the whole arena theme to it. You just have to plan your design more and make your map more spacious.

    Hope you improve :)
  3. STPKM

    STPKM Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback. I'll go remove those Maulers. They were actually the last thing I put in there to add more to the teleporter area, and to have some form of close-quarters defense against the Sword player. I also thought because of the open space on top of the teleporter, the player wouldn't go for the Mauler often due to the threat of being shot by a Battle Rifle or something.

    Thanks again for the feedback, and I'll try to cut down on the weapons next time :)
  4. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    The map design itself itsn't half bad, but the aesthetics need work. The building tops just won't do. You sadly need to put in more effort to make a more worthwhile version 2. You'll have to do more than just a red and blue light.
  5. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    I do like this map, it reminds me of Desolation in Halo 2. You should probably add more to the bases though, they are very empty.
  6. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    The maulers are fine on this, since it is similar in area to guardian, however, the placement is terrible. In addition, this is too small for teleporters, since it is pretty small; teleporters should only be used for long distances, such as Avalanche. The sword is also put in a possition of too much power, move it down where the user could not immediatly dive down and slice an enemy. This aesthetics also need work, everyting should be interlocked. With that said this could make a nice team doubles map.
  7. STPKM

    STPKM Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback, guys. I have started making a V2 and it looks significantly different than this one. I'll also try to make it visually pleasing, but I've never actually done that before so it could be a tad difficult.

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