Sandbox Cenotaph

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ROC bioflame, Mar 16, 2009.


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  1. ROC bioflame

    ROC bioflame Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Made by: iROC Your Sockz

    These tombs that were meant to be empty are about to fill up...

    Download Cenotaph


    (4-10 Players Max)

    Cenotaph, which means a tomb that was not meant to be used for the deceased, is a completely symmetrical map that is meant for team games and total carnage. I created this map for pure weapon battles from short to long range combat. There is plenty of cover for getting away from the heat of battle and there is plenty of open alleys for huge carnage. The story for this map was to just to make a really cool centerpiece but then I just started using my imagination to create everything around it.

    - Some people ask me and most are probably going to tell me after I post this but you may notice that you barely se any interlocking. To be honest, I don't think sandbox needs any merging at all, there is so much of a variety of objects that you really don't need to, so please don't comment on that and tell me "You forgot to merge..." because I know.

    Red Base

    Inside Red Base

    Blue Base

    Inside Blue Base



    • Team Slayer (2v2-5v5)
    • Multi Flag

    (other gametypes)

    • Oddball
    • Team Oddball
    • King of the Hill
    • Team King
    • Territories
    • Assualt

    Neutral Base 1

    Neutral Base 2

    Weapons and Equipment

    - Battle Rifles [x14]
    - SMGs [x4]
    - Plasma Rifle [x4]
    - Needler [x2]
    - Assault Rifle [x4]
    - Magnum [x2]
    - Covenant Carbine [x2]
    - Rocket Launcher [x1] (180 Seconds)

    - Plasma Nades [x8]

    - Bubble Shield [x2]

    Center Structure

    Bubble Shield Pyramid 1 and 2


  2. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map name has already been taken by a featured map. You definitely need to change it.

    The map isn't anything I've never seen before. It's all forged pretty well. Two bases with a middle structure and a few side things, it's been done millions of times.
  3. ROC bioflame

    ROC bioflame Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry, I didn't know somebody got featured with that name, but that still doesn't excuse me from not changing the name because, it's just a map and just like most maps there is a bunch of name duplicates. Plus it fits my map.
    #3 ROC bioflame, Mar 16, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2009
  4. Elite1111111111

    Elite1111111111 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That means you want to change the name, but you're right, it doesn't matter.
  5. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    umm, it doesn't matter if the name has been taken. My god has it really come down to people flipping out because the map has been stolen? I have probably seen 500 maps that have some name with death. The map is pretty good. I will download it and check out what this map has to offer

    -Rated Dirty
  6. Delta Runner

    Delta Runner Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think it looks very good, from what I see it looks like there will be alot battles around the rocket spawn. You also have some very interesting structures. 9/10 and a DL.
  7. iDesertEagle

    iDesertEagle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks great even with the fact you didn't interlock much, I think people these days are more intrested in how maps look instead of gameplay and that isn't right, very nice job, Im going to download this.

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