I posted the first version of this map about a week ago and I received a few suggestions on what should be changed on the map and I have returned with a new version that I believe has addressed the issues. This map has two bases facing off directly opposite of each other is symmetrical give or take a couple of minor differences on each side that in no way give one side a tactical advantage over the other. I tried to give a number of options of paths between the two bases across multiple levels and each base has five entrances. I don't feel like boring you all with any more details so I'll let the screenshots do the describing for me. Weapon and Obstacle Spawns: All weapons spawn with 2 spare clips DMR x4 - 90 Seconds Needle Rifle x1 - 90 Seconds Needler x2 - 60 Seconds Assault Rifle x4 - 30 Seconds Pistol x2 - 30 Seconds Plasma Repeater x2 - 30 Seconds Plasma Pistol x2 - 30 Seconds Shotgun x1 - 150 Seconds Sword x1 - 150 Seconds Sniper Rifle x1 - 150 Seconds Concussion Rifle x1 - 150 Seconds Fusion Coil x8 - 90 Seconds Loadout Screen Right Side of Blue Base Left Side of Blue Base Inside Blue Base Between the Bases The Back Wall Below the Back Wall Buildings and Walkways Grav Lift into the Building on the Back Wall Another Angle Right of the Blue Base; Walkways to the Outside The Outside Grav Lift between Floors of the Outside Sniper Spawn on the Far Edge of the Outside and Teleporter Please leave me your impressions of the map and any issues you find. Thanks and have fun. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I'm a bit disappointed that not a single person has given any comment or criticism on my map. It seemed like people liked the concept of the original map and I tried to go back and address the issues people had. The map may not be super flashy but I tried my best to go for good gameplay and every game I've played on this map with friends while playtesting has been very fun and balanced. Of course everyone plays differently so I was hoping to address issues for different play styles.