Alright. I got the chance to play a game on it. It's way better. Spawns are better, but still, they could use some improvement but I can't imagine getting them better... maybe DrawTheLine can help you out. I like the new layout of the bases. The turrets seem to be a little bit more powering for some reason now (might be due to the fact there are no more snipers, but it's hard to say) Other than that, everything is good.
Looks unique, looks clean, looks good. My only problem with this map is the size, it looks alittle small and to be based around a single hallway. I would give this 4/5.
wow nice map, this map has straight walls, floors, heck even the curves a straight. the best part is the interlocking tho its perfect, i wouldnt be surprised if it gets featured! 6/5.
this is amazing how did you make the floors? are the games funner on v2 than on v1? is apple pie really made with apples? somany questions and well one awsome map. 4/5 and epic winon those floors
Aesthetically its awesome. I dled and i think i see why people are putting down the gameplay. There is a long hall with little cover and a ceiling. Also if someones on the turret im pretty sure u cant get headshots and with curved walls it would be hard to nade. Im not dissing the gameplay i did download and intend to play on it im just pointing stuff out.
Wow, looks very slick. The aesthetics are some of the best I've seen. Now that I've seen Orbital, this reminds me of it. EDIT: Now that I'veplayed on this map, the main hall needs more cover. If there is a way to make it longer, or add more side rooms, that would be a very good update for this. I kept spawn killing and being spawn killed. Just tweak it, or maybe make the main hallway bend slightly, maybe 2 or 3 turns, like 45 degrees, that would be interesting.
haha sirry engrish funny!!! but besides that the map has amazing aesthetics. ill have to dl to c if there are actually any problems with anything
I love these angled walls that you made for the hanger type space station roof. This map looks like it is set up very good for team games. 4/5
Aesthetics look really nice on this map, bu the hallway in the first pic looks way too empty. I suggest adding some cover, maybe a pillar or some other structure. Not just barriers and crates though.
This is actually a really nice looking map. In fact, probably one of the best looking maps I've seen lately. I had a 1v1 with a friend, which was pretty fun. But another friend joined and in free for all it was pretty terrible. I know it wasn't designed for free for all though. Honestly in the 1v1, although it was very fun, a lot of the gameplay was waiting in those two middle areas (with the brute shot and carbine) with a mauler and popping out when someone walked by. It is an arena though, so I guess it's not supposed to have incredible flow. Overall, it was a fun experience to play on it, but I would like to see your forging abilities on a bigger map that has great flow to it.
Very nice looking map and I appreciate you making a map all about me (teehee). Of course I remember that map and curse anybody who doesn't. It is made very much like the real thing. However to bad you couldn't re-create the bases we used to spawn in. Those were funny, like, stupid funny. I would always camp the outside of the enemy's base to the point were they wouldn't even come out. I'll play it and then hopefully remember to come back and rate. Great job! I actually thought that when you said Conker, you meant me... It's been awhile since I've played Live and Reloaded ya know? EDIT: Oh and so nobody considers this spam since I said nothing about the map, the middle section is re-created very well and I think maybe you should get some pictures of the real map so that people could see how similiar it is to the real thing! The curves in the walls and everything is nice!
what? well i like the map alot and DLing it and then i will play zombies on it like i do with every map i get and after that ill check it out by my self to see the map and to get a better look at it but i dont see any thing you can inproov on