CDG: Rampart

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by CaptainDEEZ, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. CaptainDEEZ

    CaptainDEEZ Forerunner

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    CDG: Rampart has been updated and uploaded to the bungie fileshare.
    I made this map for the contest on Forge Maps: Halo Forge maps
    This contest only requires that all of your map connects to the pillar and that you use one special effects filter.

    In this map you will find 4 bases surrounding the pillar and each of them has a kill ball launcher. With a fairly short re spawn time so I don't recommend standing where they were launched from. This makes for some good action when they get going.
    You will also find that when you fall or jump off of the map, that you have a chance to live. The entire bottom of the map has a teleporter that comes out in the middle at the top. If you fall too fast you'll probably die and then the bodies can pile up in the middle. And if you don't die, there's always that chance that there will be a kill ball rolling across where you land.

    Test your skill in the battle arena that is... CDG: Rampart

    Edited by merge:

    This map has every weapon in it as well.
    #1 CaptainDEEZ, Oct 22, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2010

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