Poll Results: What do you think of this map?
Members who voted for 'Great'
- Shock Theta
- rusty eagle
- fiery
- ER1C0
- chrstphrbrnnn
- Linubidix
- Rusty Keyes
- Shad0w Viper
- Mander
- Speed-e-cake
- Lyles
- Gollygeeanelite
- stickmanmeyhem
- jakob hunter
- Redmonk 70
- The Moran
- Sotha Sil156
- RightSideTheory
- Eternally Fallen
- Plasma Rifle Elite
- noklu
- AmX15
- Mischgasm
- Scobra
- chikinlil45
- Sparten N4444444
- GR4V3mind117
- Noxiw
- Organite
- RittSea
- ZeEliteChicken
- JDB95
- Rorak Kuroda
- LD
- masterpete117
- ♥ Sky
- Redpill
- Aesir L0KI
- Unfair Teamz
- Dr Feelgood03
- imrpowers
- Berb
- RodziR
- tyggerr
- zx Apollyon xz
- MattV01
- Sgt Surchin
- Screamo Luvr
- yooitzdono
- FreckleEars
- Evrito
- CaptTylor34
- Penguin
- Kewl hoovy
- Dinosaur Drugs
- Graybes
- riseagainst421
- kool fat kid
- XxDangerXlinexX
- ChieftOfNight
- Aod43254
- Arlight
- mati1501
- LordGonk
- SDawg72
- ditto101
- Thefish
- i eat clowns
- oz0 Bradley 0zo
- The K
- Bass Combat
- Packeranatic
- Genesis
- Solid Payload
- Jessum
- Fuz
- Guy01001
- Negrumir
- SquidMan33
- Executioner
- TNort17
- BecomingNebula
- CrazyFunky
- OMGod
- XaswissrollX
- konradtacular
- clone12TM
92 total votes.