this is my new map, CAVERNS. it is a small inclosed, you guessed it, cavern, with nooks and crannies, and a couple alcoves. it works best with 2v2 or 3v3. 4v4 is strechin it, but whatever you want, it also has a ctf varient set up for it. I HIGHLY RECOMEND TURNING OFF RADAR. IT MAKES THE GAME MUCH MUCH BETTER. This map took roughly 30 or so hours to make and perfect, and even more time than that has been used testing it. there are 4 brs, 2 smgs 1 mauler, located on second level of main cavern. and 1 plasma rifle. so, without further adoo. the link to download. CAVERNS : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing CAVERNS CTF : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing now for pics. smg tunnel the main carvern. notice the slanted double boxes that form the roof. top level of the main cavern, the mauler is right next to that guy. red side of the cave. you can see the colum from the main cavern in the backround. right behind that last pic, is where the red team flag would spawn, but this game was slayer. also, below the fence wall, is a common spawning area, you must crouch to get out. another pic of smg tunnel. this is blue base. you can jump on those fence walls to get to the second level. this is an alcove from the main cavern, under fire, go here. but watch out for nades. this is that side tunnel underneath the red team flag spawn. thank you for looking at my map, please rate and download.
Hey, no credit? I did help ya know, no matter how little. Other than that it looks pretty good, I see you have changed some things, definately a download, I will tell you how it plays later.
I like what you did with the fence walls here. It looks pretty small, but that means it is probably awesome for some good old fun. You should probably have some gameplay shots or a video though. Also, you have it set up for CTF. That must also be interesting considering the caverns and stuff. Overall a good map. Good job stin
Hey, looks like a great map, but is it one long single tunnel or many tunnels that all link to each other. Just wondering. Because if it is CTF would be pretty tough, once it's out of the base, all your team would have to do is camp in the tunnel and wait. 5/5 on the map though, looks pretty clean.
its one cave that goes in a CIRCLE, and ha various coves, mostly for respawns, but they can be used tactically.
Awsome! this map is great, and i would like to say, I WAS FIRST TO DOWNLOAD THIS MAP.-off this soon to be very popular map! good job
Wow I just played this map with him for a little bit and its a really great and awesome map! He did a great job with the interlocking and layout and all.... I highly recommend you download this... Great job stin!
thanks, but who gave me a one star. also, i probably should have posted this earlier in the day, so more peps would see it, now it will slowly reced in the depths of forgehub
wow, 30 hours, eh? well, great job. looks very fun for a gametype i have. pistols, headshot only, no radar. download for me. 5/5.
I didn't help you make this, but I play tested this four times. It's a great map, and you changed the middle room a lot from V1. Guy, this map is worth a Download. Trust me! It palys great for 3 V 3 CTF! 5/5 Stin, and tell me if you need help on your next one.
The Fence Walls seem to do pretty well for this map. The collumns are creative, actually the whole map does, only the SMG tunnel looks a bit sloppy on some areas. The Interlocking is further, great. And did you really put 30 hours on making this? AND EVEN MORE ON TESTING? Jeess...
yes i did. most of it was trying to get the ceiling on the middle cave to look good. i scraped the map about 5 times, trying different technigues. till i got it right. and ya. it was tested and modified like crazy
try to extend your comments, cause thats basically spam,theres actually no geomerging on this map, i know how to do it, but it wasn't neccesary, well technically i geomerged the bridges like an inche in but whatever.
i'm so honored. i just want to say thanks to everyone so far, for all the great reviews, tips, and so on. eveyone prepare for caverns v8. with neater interlocking, better gameplay, and a whole new tunnel system? maybe, you'll have to see.