Caverns of Death

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by AndyDaRoo, Oct 13, 2011.

  1. AndyDaRoo

    AndyDaRoo Forerunner

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    "Death Hides in Plain Sight.
    If You Want to Live,
    Don't Go Out of the Light..."

    NOTICE 1: For some reason, the lights don't work when playing this map split-screen, which makes for some pretty dark combat... Does anyone know if this is a known problem?

    NOTICE 2: If you happen to play this with a large party, please link your pictures so I can add them!

    Back Story

    While on a routine mission in the mountains, you and your team suddenly become trapped within a dark and sinister cave after the cliff behind you collapses. You soon become aware that you are not alone; a sinister presence lurks in the shadows, watching your every move...

    Your new objective: SURVIVE

    Making the Map

    My main aim when creating this map was to make something that was actually scary, which few maps seem to do (your friend doing the jaws theme over the mic can help, however). It started out as being much more complicated: the first version had zombies falling down from the roof, but getting them to survive the fall was problematic... A later version had a countdown with lights which would slowly go up, and eventually a teleported would spawn. However, I thought that simplicity is was what made most maps effective, so I kept it fairly basic.

    By plaing other maps, I found that tension is the best way to scare players. In this game, The Infected are invisible, and they can spawn all around you. Pretty tense, huh?


    -The Survivors and Infected have 75% walking speed.
    -Survivors start with shotguns and infected start with swords (both infinite).
    -The infected are almost completely invisible; survivors must rely on their radar.
    -The last man standing recieves 1.5 overshields.
    -There are three rounds, each one being 5 minutes long. The survivors must live for
    that amount of time, and the game ends if all become infected.
    -1 kill = 1 point

    The Survivors start in the smaller of the two caves, and must make their way up to the teleporter, whilst avoiding/killing the initial zombie(s). Depending on how many people there are, it is best to have two starting zombies for parties larger than 5.


    Look out for tell-tale splashing...

    The Survivors must then regroup and defend themselves for the rest of the round in the larger cave area, in which The Infected spawn all around you. Be aware: a zombie may occasionally spawn above you!

    Your radar is essential if you want to live...

    The Infected are almost completely invisible, therefore your radar is your best means of seeing them.

    The zombies spawn all around you - so watch your back...

    When playing as a zombie, you will have to co-operate with your fellow Infected to attack them by suprise. In a similar case, The Survivors must look out for each other, or this will happen:

    I really should have removed the hearts...

    I hope I've covered everything important. Please give your opinions are constructive critisisms below to help improve this map, but most of all, have fun! :)

    #1 AndyDaRoo, Oct 13, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2011
  2. ZombieGuineaPig

    ZombieGuineaPig Forerunner

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    Holy crap this reminds me of amnesia for some reason! This looks so intense! I'll be sure to download this! One question though, Is it one hit kill for all humans? If so, people may want you to bump that up.
  3. AndyDaRoo

    AndyDaRoo Forerunner

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    Ha, thanks! You may want to download the gametype again though, I've changed it slightly. From what I can tell, I think it's balanced; if the humans took more than one hit to kill it would be very difficult for the Infected to score. I hope you enjoy playing it, and any improvements or suggestions would be nice!
  4. Gypsy

    Gypsy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I played this map with a full lobby the other day and it was quite fun. Everyone agreed that the atmosphere was perfect. Your goal was to use tension and atmosphere to fuel gameplay and I think that you very much succeeded at that. A great touch that I'd like to point out was when the Wild West Filter kicked in.
    #4 Gypsy, Oct 17, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2011
  5. gamer64

    gamer64 Forerunner

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    Love this map, looks and feels awesome. Im now inspired to make a horror map.
  6. AndyDaRoo

    AndyDaRoo Forerunner

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    Thank you very much for playing it and for your suggestions! The ammo and betrayal issues has been addressed and the jump height for humans has been reduced (I played it again and my friend who jump onto a rock, and no one could get him). I'm not too sure about removing the radar though, just because I think it would then be too difficult to kill the zombies. Perhaps I could make the zombies move faster? What do you think?

    Thanks again!

    EDIT: The zombies now move at the same speed as the human. The humans still have radars, but it is only up to 10 meters, making it harder (and scarier!) for them.

    If you happen to play it again, I'd be happy to know what you think!
    #6 AndyDaRoo, Oct 18, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2011
  7. Gypsy

    Gypsy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Much, much better. I'll edit my previous bit out so as not to discourage people from downloading. Again, nice work, and good luck in Hub Of The Dead.
  8. AndyDaRoo

    AndyDaRoo Forerunner

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    Thank you, and thanks for your previous advice, it helped a lot ;)

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