Cavern My first go at forge in Reach, Looking for a bunch of feedback. the map is playable as is, but i have yet to test it. Please Comment any thoughts you have. Also taking name change suggestions. cavern does not fit so much now as when i started the map. Weapons:Need input for changes 2 Snipers 1 at each base 1 Rocket on green platform 1 shotty in yellow tower 4 DMR 2 at each base 2 needle rifle 1 at each base 2 Plasma pistols 1 at each base 1 needler under bridge 2 plasma repeaters i in each base Overview Looking at Red spawn looking at Blue Spawn Middle towards yellow tower Middle towards green platform behind Red base Behind Blue looking across from red Green tower
the center piece is really cool, and over all i like the placement of the map, maybe you could add more rocks jutting out of the sea?
I really like the genral layout of the map, however I think you could add stuff to it to make it even better. I suggest using flat blocks to create flooring for a secong floor, and as said above, add more rocks that go from the ocean. This could supply cover from a generally open map and can really improve the aesthetics.
what do you mean by second floor? like over the middle area? I added a few blocks to the water to jump on and provide a little more cover after i took the pics. will add some rocks in the open water between bridges.
well this map is an average map, however it does have very much potential. i'd like to see some more aesthetics. i, personally, want to see a V2