Cavern Fever Created by Marco 132 Supported Gametypes: FFA Slayer, and Juggernaught mainly, but whatever you make of it. Map Description This map is very original, and uses only the cave in avalanche, so legendary requred im afraid. It mostly takes place down below in the chasm, between the 2 grav lifts, and uses suspended bridges, towers, and a platform in the middle. I've thought out weapon placements, most of them are in there (except splaser, and a couple of others), and equipment. A lot of gravlifts and teleporters make the game very fast paced, and also unpredictable as they are all on the same channel. I designed it with crazy free for all games in mind, but do with it what you will! _________________________________________________ An overview of the map, baring in mind some parts are out of view. _________________________________________________ Hope you enjoy it, and please download, rate, and give feedback. Thanks a lot - Marco Download Cavern Fever
I like the idea. But to save yourself from being pestered and/or infracted. I would add some pictures. People get really annoyed if you don't add any. And there's also a guide if you don't know how.
WELCOME TO FORGEHUB!!!! Your post is not up to forgehub's standards. Please read this before you post anything and then fix your post by putting some screenshots on it. Right Here
ok sorry about that, ill get some pics and change this post when im next on h3, bout an hour or so. and thanks, seems a great community here.
Lol @ "in a place barely used before". There have prolly been 50+ maps posted on FH using that spot, just so ya know. As for the map itself, it seems very sloppy and rushed. Interlocking and bridge-flipping would help you w/ aesthetics, while gameplay seems suspect with your description of all those teleporters. Perhaps this should be under casual?
Right after this guy just got done saying that ForgeHub looks like a great community? A bit harsh, buddy. Honestly, I like it when someone does something like not using the underside of Boxes or not flipping Bridges. Everyone does those things, and it adds a wee bit of flavor to a map. That said, I do think I saw one or two spots where it looked like a pretty significant bump was there. Overall, the flooring looks pretty flat. The only fault this person has is that he's not yet adjusted to ForgeHub. Every new member doesn't know the picture rule. It happens, and they adjust. Also, edit your post, then click "Go Advanced." At the top, you'll see an option to edit the title of the thread. Thread titled on ForgeHub are required to simply be the map itself, nothing more. Again, this is just to help you out, bro. Looks like a bit of work was put into this. With that, I'll bid you goodbye and a "Welcome to ForgeHub!!"
nothing really unique good try but there are maps like this that are better. sorry for being mean if i came across that way. keep trying. (it's hard to make a good map on anything other than foundry but it's possible)