
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Raiden nR, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. Raiden nR

    Raiden nR Forerunner

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    Hey guys, this is my first time doing this, so let me start out by saying bear with me!
    I have been messing aroudn with forge, but now I'm getting into it. I decided to post my map Caved-In, hope you enjoy!

    This is the exterior view of the map. You can see why it's called "Caved-In" as it is completely blocked off.
    This is the aerial view of the map. As you can see, there 2 bases, Red and Blue(like usual).
    Here is the view of the Blue base from the Red base. As you can see, there are now walls off of the spawn point, so you CAN get spawn killed,but there are barriers to prevent that from happening as much.
    This is one of the two hallways that lead stright into each of the bases. There is a Plasma Pistol and some grenades in both hallways.
    Here is a better view of the Blue base spawn. You can see the two hallways and the barrier.
    This is were the rockets spawn, which is smackdown in the middle of the map. There are 4 ramps leading up to the rockets, which can make it a hassle to grab those rockets.
    There are many gravity lifts that help you reach higher ground in the map, which can lead to power weapons.
    This is were the laser spawns, which is at the very top of the map on a bridge.
    Finally, this is the sniper tower. This is located on the right corner of the map, which provides good cover from DMR's accross the map.

    Well, that's pretty much all I have to show you. Thanks for checking out my first map, and please leave me some feedback so I can get better!
    Here's the download link: : Halo Reach : File Details nR
    #1 Raiden nR, Sep 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2010

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