Caved in 1.0

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by henk de vries, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. henk de vries

    henk de vries Forerunner

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    Goodday all, this is my first post to this great site. i've downloaded much maps here already.

    please excuse me for the cheesy name of the map. It's a map completely inside the cave, though i have expanded it quite a bit. It consists of 2 bases on each side. Both with 2 mongeese and a ghost. There are enough weapon spawns and a few heavy weapons.

    There is an alternate passage using a teleporter from each base.
    I've only playtested it 1vs1 slayer and multi ctf. (don't have enough friends).

    I've set the max players to 12, i guess 4vs4 or 6vs6 works the best on this map.

    blue base you can see the vehicles somewhere in the middle

    red base you can see the alternate passage using a teleporter to the upper left
    #1 henk de vries, Oct 7, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2010

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