Cave Lab Redone! Ill make this quick and simple. Cave Lab has gone though lots of changes, and this time its better than ever before! Its Clean and zombie/human friendly. Lots of interesting spots to take advatage of for the humans so that every room serves a purpose for being there in the first place. Weapons are spread out around the map evenly and logically. 4 AR's, 4 DMR's, 4 Shotgun's, 2 Grenade launcher's, one Sniper/Rocket launcher all set to a reasonable timer spawn and clip size. Zombies spawn anywhere and everywhere. Humans have lots of interesting set ups and mini bunkers to take advantage of. Very successful testing so far, so I thought this might be worth calling FINISHED! Game type I provide is very nice, so please use it! Here are some pictures now. Ill warn you now, I have a load of infection maps coming down the road, so please, stay on the look out for them! Thanks for reading and I hope you like the map and game.
This map looks cool. It should have a set darken time limit thought that would be even cooler. I like how you fazed the rocks from forge into the naturals scenery. This is a good map any way.
Gotta admit, this is a pretty clean-looking map. Everything there looks like it has functionality, and the lighting of the cave interior makes this map an instant DL. Nice Job.